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Lalla Rookh UNKNOWN; John TENNIEL (after) The fair Jacobite Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); John Everett MILLAIS (draughtsman) The Anglers of the Dove UNKNOWN; John Everett MILLAIS (after) Faust and Wagner Eugène DELACROIX So I Have Seen a Well Built Castle Stand... Graham SUTHERLAND Entree de Bergeres aux nopces...(Don Quichotte 1 of 24 plates) Charles COYPEL (attributed to) Don Quichotte prende le bassin...(Don Quichotte 1 of 24 plates) Charles COYPEL (attributed to) Don Quichotte attache a une fenestre..(Don Quichotte 1 of 24 plates UNKNOWN; Charles-Antoine COYPEL (after) (The connoisseur) Bernard HALL An Anthology of Chance Operations… George MACIUNAS (designer); La Monte YOUNG (editor) Study for the frontispiece to 'The Cambridge Grisette' Charles Samuel KEENE Study of man in possession for 'Evan Harrington' Charles Samuel KEENE Study for'Pink of Fashion' Charles Samuel KEENE Series of studies for "Benjamin Harris" Charles Samuel KEENE Studies for 'Lilian's Perplexities' Charles Samuel KEENE I want a future that lives up to my past David McDIARMID Art-Language ART & LANGUAGE Art-Language ART & LANGUAGE Respectable Voter Georges ROUAULT Incantation (No.X) Georges ROUAULT At the well Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); Frederic LEIGHTON (draughtsman) Marguerite at the spinning wheel Eugène DELACROIX Faust, Wagner and the barbet Eugène DELACROIX Yet she was all so queenly in her woe DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Frederick SANDYS (draughtsman) Rung into heaven DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Matthew James LAWLESS (draughtsman) Yet once more on the organ play Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); Frederick SANDYS (draughtsman) The beggar's soliloquy UNKNOWN (wood-engraver); Charles KEENE (draughtsman) Simplicius at the hermit's Grave (Internezzi Plate 8) Max KLINGER Lalla Rookh UNKNOWN; John TENNIEL (after) Mrs Gresham and Miss Dunstable DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); John Everett MILLAIS (draughtsman)