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Dreadful events in the front rows of the ring at Madrid, and death of the mayor of Torrejon Francisco GOYA y Lucientes The same man throws a bull in the ring at Madrid Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) The lady's death Gérard Jean-Baptiste SCOTIN II (engraver); William HOGARTH (painter and engraver) Jesus at the door of the Heart Anton WIERIX III (engraver); Hieronymus WIERIX (draughtsman) Mary Ruthven Schelte BOLSWERT (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) First day – Parade of the King, with his knights Israël SILVESTRE The Necromancers and Augurs William BLAKE Geryon conveying Dante and Virgil down towards Malebolge William BLAKE Dante at the Moment of entering the Fire William BLAKE Relieving the thirsty Abraham BOSSE The sower DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); John Everett MILLAIS (draughtsman) The Lady of Shalott DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI (draughtsman) Life's journey DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Frederick SANDYS (draughtsman) Harald Harfagr Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); Frederick SANDYS (draughtsman) Bearded old man wearing a turban ornamented with a small plume, facing left Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE Humility Heinrich ALDEGREVER Triumph of Bacchus Jan POPELS (etcher); Peter Paul RUBENS (after) Christ appears to the Magdalen Albrecht ALTDORFER Ecce Homo Albrecht ALTDORFER Animalia (A shepherd with his dog), titlepage Nicolaes BERCHEM Water Jan VAN DE VELDE II; Willem BUYTEWECH (after) The Resurrection Nicolaes de BRUYN Modesty Hans BURGKMAIR, the Elder Pigritia (Sloth) Lucas VORSTERMAN I; Adriaen BROUWER (after) The pier with chains Giovanni Battista PIRANESI On board a hospital transport Claude SHEPPERSON Maintaining export trade Charles PEARS Transporting the troops Charles PEARS Drilling William ROTHENSTEIN Potato-planting William ROTHENSTEIN