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View of Windermere Lake, early morning George BARRET Glasgow Madeline GREEN Pamela preparing to go home Joseph HIGHMORE The rainbow Jean Charles CAZIN Le Diable boiteux or The Devil upon two sticks, conveying John Bull to the land of promise James GILLRAY Trial of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury Wenceslaus HOLLAR Phrixus presenting Chalciope with the skin of a sacrificed ram Paolo VERONESE (attributed to) Elsie Warren, past 70 Ruth MADDISON Household troops or A sketch of a few of the principal trustworthy and confidential domestics of worthy and confiding families Isaac Robert CRUIKSHANK Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR George Montagu, Duke and Earl of Manchester John JONES (mezzotinter); Gilbert STUART (after) The good old days George du MAURIER Tom and Jerry sporting their bits of blood among the pinks in Rotten Row Isaac Robert CRUIKSHANK; George CRUIKSHANK The advantages of travel or A little learning is a dangerous thing: Plate 2 George CRUIKSHANK Mr B finds Pamela writing Louis TRUCHY (engraver); Joseph HIGHMORE (after) Exploitation of paternity. Well, my son, never lose your filial piety, always remember that a father represents all that is sacred. So say, you don't have a few sous to give me, I'm dying of thirst and I'm out of tobacco. Honoré DAUMIER Hera George W. LAMBERT The arbour E. Phillips FOX Saint Geneviève provisioning Paris under siege Pierre PUVIS de CHAVANNES Louis ghost chair (Crystal) Philippe STARCK (designer); KARTELL, Milan (manufacturer) He looks fierce, but he is really a nice person Utagawa KUNIYOSHI Quartermaster Coull George Paul CHALMERS Oedipus Glyn Warren PHILPOT Night (no. 2) William ORPEN Welcome shade Keeley HALSWELLE Pamela greets her father Joseph HIGHMORE Noh mask, Shakumi DEME Mitsunaga Pūrnamaitrāyanīputra MUNAKATA Shikō The surrender of Ulm or Buonaparte and General Mack coming to a right understanding James GILLRAY London, from Greenwich J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver)