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Black sun Inge KING Mrs John H. Connell John LONGSTAFF Cathedral interior, San Maria Arthur STREETON Ada Garrick (Mrs Bright) John LONGSTAFF Mount Wellington with Orphan Asylum, Van Diemen's Land John GLOVER Don Quixote reading Honoré DAUMIER Grandmother's reading lesson Eleanor BELL The finding of Don Juan by Haidée Ford Madox BROWN The Immaculate Conception Bartolomé Esteban MURILLO Siesta Pierre BONNARD Mother-of-pearl Norman MACGEORGE The banks of the Viosne at Osny in grey weather, winter Camille PISSARRO The daughter of the house Frank HOLL Triptych with the miracles of Christ MASTER OF THE LEGEND OF ST CATHERINE (workshop of) After the Massacre of Glencoe Peter GRAHAM Josiah Wedgwood, medallion WEDGWOOD, Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent (manufacturer); William HACKWOOD (modeller) The wedding party Jan STEEN Sea idyll Rupert BUNNY Chestnut grove, Valley of the Tessin, Italy Carl LUDWIG Fight between the ship of the line, Jupiter and the French frigate, Preneuse, in the neighbourhood of Madagascar 11th October, 1799 Johan BENNETTER The watermill Jacob van RUISDAEL Lady in grey John LONGSTAFF Scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Titania and Bottom Edwin LANDSEER Andalusian farm Tristram HILLIER Mental arithmetic Thomas Cooper GOTCH October Jules BASTIEN-LEPAGE Susanna and the Elders Jean-François MILLET The wave Gustave COURBET Profile portrait of a lady NORTHERN ITALY The bulldog (guard dog). The bulldog which Mr. de Buffon mentions by both names, guard dog and doorman, is by nature unclean, not well built, curious, growls and is very surly. He constantly barks at the wrong moment. The tenants of the place he lives say that he is an ugly animal. The bulldog's or doorman’s job is to be responsible for guarding the house, but that is what he guards least. On the other hand he is much better at guarding letters, newspapers, calling cards, etc. He is extremely nasty and threatens to throw himself at those people who approach him. However, there is a certain way to tame him: when he shows his teeth one must show him a 100 sous coin. Instantly, he becomes soft and caressing like a poodle. The bulldog or doorman usually lives in dirty and smoky cabins, and thanks to the neighbourhood kids, he never runs out of kennels. Honoré DAUMIER