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Untitled (half figure of warrior in plumed helmut, holding a spear) Lucas CRANACH I (attributed to) El Dean y Cabildo de la Santa Iglesia Catheral... Gaspard DUCHANGE St Phillip,St Matthew Lucas CRANACH I St Paul,St Bartholemew Lucas CRANACH I The Beast with two horns like a lamb Albrecht DÜRER Ecce Homo - The Presentation of Christ Albrecht DÜRER St John Devouring the Book Albrecht DÜRER Casualty clearing station in France Claude SHEPPERSON Emperor Rudolphus II UNKNOWN; Ad de VRIS (after) Sea-weeds DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Henry Hugh ARMSTEAD (draughtsman) Cain and Abel William James LINTON (wood-engraver); Frederic LEIGHTON (draughtsman) Eliezer and Rebecca DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Frederic LEIGHTON (draughtsman) Samson carrying the gates DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Frederic LEIGHTON (draughtsman) The destruction of Sodom DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Thomas DALZIEL (draughtsman) Untitled UNKNOWN; James MAHONEY (after) Moonlight DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); John Dawson WATSON (draughtsman) Lalla Rookh UNKNOWN; John TENNIEL (after) The fair Jacobite Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); John Everett MILLAIS (draughtsman) The Anglers of the Dove UNKNOWN; John Everett MILLAIS (after) Sculptor, model and statue of a nude holding drapery Pablo PICASSO Saint Peter Domenico BECCAFUMI The young mother John Everett MILLAIS The Mother and Child in a Grotto (II) Tomas HARRIS The Resurrection Hendrick GOLTZIUS The guardian angel UNKNOWN; James GILLRAY (after) Push-pin UNKNOWN; James GILLRAY (after) Annunciation UNKNOWN; Federico ZUCCARO (after) Christ lamented by angels Anthony van DYCK On the beach Philip EVERGOOD A saint preaching in the wilderness Charles Joseph NATOIRE