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Giambattista Marino Ottavio LEONI Paulus Pontius Anthony van DYCK Mokubo-ji Temple, The Story of Umewaka Utagawa HIROSHIGE View of Mount Sturgeon and Abrupt from the crater of Bald Hill, an extinct volcano Eugene von GUÉRARD Stony rises near the Pirron Yallock Creek at Millner's Station Eugene von GUÉRARD Mt. Sturgeon and the Wannon in the Grampians, Victoria Eugene von GUÉRARD (House with lattice-work verandah and garden) Edward La Trobe BATEMAN (Cypress and steps) Edward La Trobe BATEMAN Forest, Cape Otway Ranges Eugene von GUÉRARD Catching sweetfish in Tama River under the autumn moon Utagawa HIROSHIGE Figure K Will DYSON Study of an American seaman who turned up to see something different Will DYSON A quite imaginary scene at Police headquarters Will DYSON (Untitled) Will DYSON Our youth: Susannah and the youngers Will DYSON Head Max MELDRUM Male spirit figure Wally Mandarrk Us visitors: Evil tidings in B flat Will DYSON Our pornographers: Gage your fill, poor child, and be done with it Will DYSON Our immortals: Ah Mr Hardy, Mr Hardy, if you only knew all the circumstances Will DYSON (Untitled) (Little man peering at giant nude woman lifting her drapery) Will DYSON Boomerang Unknown (Untitled) (Portrait head of a woman) Will DYSON (Untitled) (Bearded man wearing earring and turban) Will DYSON (Untitled) (Foreshore - sand dunes and headland) Will DYSON (Untitled) (Nude seated on chair with cushion, reaching towards her feet) Will DYSON Nude Charles BLACKMAN (Untitled) (Bearded man wearing earing and turban) Will DYSON Shield Unknown (Untitled) (Profile of a man's head) Will DYSON