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Noble ape Louise PARAMOR EYE OPS Lou HUBBARD POWERPOINTS Agatha GOTHE-SNAPE World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago. Sculpture Gallery UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Egyptian Court, stereograph UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. The Horticultural Palace UNKNOWN Untitled (Predator drone) Trevor PAGLEN Untitled (Reaper drone) Trevor PAGLEN Not titled (Straw coloured binoculars) Alan CONSTABLE Universal Exposition, Paris. Pavilion of the City of Paris UNKNOWN 33 objects that can fit through the hole in my pocket Charlie SOFO Universal Exposition, Paris. Palace of National Manufactures, French section UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Vieux Paris and the Seine river UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Saint-Michel Bridge UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Chateau d'Eau UNKNOWN Not titled (Purple and green SLR) Alan CONSTABLE Not titled (Video camera) Alan CONSTABLE More rebounds 3 Nick SELENITSCH Higher ground Richard MOSSE Bracelet Mari FUNAKI Vox: Beyond Tasmania Brook ANDREW Universal Exposition, Paris. Pavilion of Italy, cabinet print UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Palace of National Manufactures. French section UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Palace of National Manufactures. French section UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. The Grand Palace of Fine Arts UNKNOWN No title (Sculpture Gallery, Infants in clamshell) UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. The Trocadero Palace UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Swiss village UNKNOWN We are printers too Sonia LEBER; David CHESWORTH Half brother David ROSETZKY