Statue of Pharaoh Ramses II as a high priest <br/>
Egypt, Abydos  <br/>
19th Dynasty, reign of Ramses II, about 1279–1213 BCE  <br/>
limestone <br/>
H 171cm, W 71.5cm, D 98cm ​ <br/>
British Museum, London <br/>
© The Trustees of the British Museum
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Arms of Karl Philip von Greiffenlau,.....(Flight into Egypt) Giandomenico TIEPOLO The Holy Family arriving at a city gate (Flight into Egypt) Giandomenico TIEPOLO The Flight with obelisk at the left (Flight into Egypt) Giandomenico TIEPOLO The Epispode of the falling idol (Flight into Egypt) Giandomenico TIEPOLO The Holy Family preparing to embark (Flight into Egypt) Giandomenico TIEPOLO Tenth plague of Egypt J. M. W. TURNER; William SAY (engraver) Fragments of inscribed papyrus EGYPT Ushabti figure of Psamtek - Mery - Ptah EGYPT, Saqqara Ushabti figure EGYPT The Flight into Egypt FLANDERS, Brussels Mask of Maenad, inlay fragment EGYPT, (Alexandria) Pataikos amulet EGYPT Figure group of Pataikos on crocodiles EGYPT Canopic jar with lid representing Duamutef EGYPT, (Qurna, Thebes) Fragment of a coffin EGYPT Jar EGYPT Cylinder jar EGYPT, Kafr Tarkhan Figure group of Isis and Horus EGYPT Tenth plague of Egypt J. M. W. TURNER; William SAY (engraver) Tunic sleeve fragment with decorated insert EGYPT Votive stela of Ta-Kharu EGYPT, Qurna Wall fragment from a tomb EGYPT Model of a boat with crew EGYPT FIGURE GROUP Staffordshire (manufacturer) The Rest on the flight,with Holy Family under a tree(Flight into Egypt) Giandomenico TIEPOLO The Flight with the Holy Family at the left (Flight into Egypt) Giandomenico TIEPOLO Joseph and Mary prepare to leave (Flight into Egypt) Giandomenico TIEPOLO The Madonna, Child and Angels entering the boat (Flight into Egypt) Giandomenico TIEPOLO Mortuary stela from the tomb of Thouta Resa EGYPT, Dendera, mastaba tomb of Thouta Resa Ushabti figure EGYPT, Sedment