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Portrait of my mother A. D. COLQUHOUN Sketch: Miss Audrey Stevenson as Circe Mary Cecil ALLEN Studies for sleeping group in Cymon and Iphigenia Frederic LEIGHTON Costume design for the actress Geraldine Page as Marcelline MOTLEY THEATRE DESIGN GROUP, London In the park William FRATER The French window Harley GRIFFITHS Chmurna Mlodosc T. PAPROTNY Venus and Love, after Cranach Pablo PICASSO The Lady of Shalott William Holman HUNT STudy of crying boy and two women Charles KEENE The muslin dress E. Phillips FOX Eliezer and Rebekah at the well DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); William Holman HUNT (after) The Lost Piece of Silver DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); John Everett MILLAIS (draughtsman) On the railways: Engine and carriage cleaners A. S. HARTRICK Mary Magdelen (Sancta Maria Magdalena) Robert STRANGE La Belle mere UNKNOWN; Jean-Baptiste GREUZE (after) Perseus and Andromede UNKNOWN; POLIDORO (after) (Santa eavesdropping a conversation) Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); George du MAURIER (draughtsman) Gould Court UNKNOWN; G. J. PINWELL (after) The Anglers of the Dove UNKNOWN; John Everett MILLAIS (after) The Hampdens UNKNOWN; John Everett MILLAIS (after) Marie de Medici Pieter de JODE II (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) They've already got a seat Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Dejeuner at the Hotel du Lion d'Or Frances HODGKINS Sleep Leonor FINI My lady waits William DOBELL Madame Saint-Huberty François DUMONT The little white girl Frank SHORT (engraver); James McNeill WHISTLER (after) Rack Séraphine PICK The Three Furies Wenceslaus HOLLAR; Francis CLEYN (after)