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International Exposition, Antwerp. Austrian and Russian courts T. H. McALLISTER, New York (manufacturer) International Exposition, Antwerp. Belgian court, Meeus and Pomeranzen T. H. McALLISTER, New York (manufacturer) International Exposition, Antwerp. Indian court, Bhumgara's stand T. H. McALLISTER, New York (manufacturer) International Exposition, Antwerp. Belgian court, brewers' exhibit T. H. McALLISTER, New York (manufacturer) International Exposition, Antwerp. Dutch court, eastern avenue T. H. McALLISTER, New York (manufacturer) International Exhibition, London. Messers Hunt and Roskell's case, stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London International Exhibition, London. Works of art in precious metals, Russian Court, stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London International Exhibition, London. No. 95. Edward VI. Baron di Friqueti, sculp. (Prince Albert's favourite statue), stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London (manufacturer) International Exhibition, London. No. 51. The Foreign Picture Gallery (3), stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London (manufacturer) International Exhibition, London. No. 2. The nave from the western dome, stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London (manufacturer) International Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures, Dublin. No. 13.View of the nave from the south (2), stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London (manufacturer) International Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures, Dublin. No. 92. Joseph by Miss Stebbins, stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London (manufacturer) International Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures, Dublin. No. 21. The French Court, stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London (manufacturer) International Exhibition, London. No. 43. The The fortune teller by Guglielmi, stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 567. View in the Mexican Park, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 154. Gallery of work, French section (No. 9), stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 151. Fine arts, Italian section (No. 21), stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 562. Fine arts, French section, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 131. Fine arts, Italian section (No. 13), stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 576. View in the central garden, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 348. Gallery of the states of South America, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 530. Distribution of awards. Overview of trophies, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 97. The last days of Napoleon 1st by Vela, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 278. German porcelain, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 459. Chinese theatre, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 258. Ceramics, Italian section, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 102. Fine arts, Italian section (No. 9), stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) World’s Fair, Vienna. 389. In the central hall of the Fine Arts Gallery, stereograph WIENER PHOTOGRAPHEN ASSOCIATION, Vienna (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 408. View in the French Park, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 388. Main entrance, Rue du Cercle International, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer)