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Guerrilla Girls' identities exposed! GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Even the U.S. Senate is more progressive than Hollywood update GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Sorry, sweetie GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Traditional values and quality return to the Whitney Museum GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Audience Ross COULTER Untitled (Right hand palm) Steven AJZENBERG Flowers, dragons, phoenixes, pair of plates with handles JAPANESE inside another land #55 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #73 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #43 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #36 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #38 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #13 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #50 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #24 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #62 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #19 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #67 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #31 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #68 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #17 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #6 Del Kathryn BARTON inside another land #2 Del Kathryn BARTON Outfit BODY MAP, London (fashion house); Stevie STEWART (designer); David HOLAH (designer) Reticule ENGLAND Audience Ross COULTER Lanterns DONG FANG CRAFT AND ART FACTORY, Foshan Small things to exchange Marr GROUNDS; Noel HUTCHISON Evening gown YVES SAINT LAURENT, Paris (fashion house); Yves SAINT LAURENT (designer) Pair of sake bottles with flowers and tendrils JAPANESE