Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Untitled (Tree leaning by laneway, shepherd and flock to right) George SMITH, (of Chichester) Untitled (Three pigs, one standing, two lying) George SMITH, (of Chichester) The Crucified with the Father UNKNOWN; Guido RENI (after) The Arms of the City of Cologne Virgil SOLIS St. Matthew - The Hortulus Animae UNKNOWN; Hans SPRINGINKLEE (possibly after) Untitled (Figure with stick crossing double arched bridge) George SMITH, (of Chichester) The Entombment of Christ UNKNOWN; TITIAN (after) Untitled David TENIERS II The Virgin and Child with St. John and a plate of fruit UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible of Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible of Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1504 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustration Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, 1540 UNKNOWN Lime Barge A.G. VICKERS The Basket marker - Arts and Trades UNKNOWN; Jan van VLIET (after) Landscape John VARLEY Eagle crag from Masthwait John VARLEY Untitled I (?) WANSTERMAN (attributed to) Study of man with two dogs Richard WESTALL Fighting for the Standard, Marslon Moor UNKNOWN; A. COOPER (after) The Birth of the Thames UNKNOWN; Maria COSWAY (after) Vue de Flandres UNKNOWN; David TENIERS II (after) La Reine prend le parti de la paix UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) Three putti UNKNOWN; François BOUCHER (after)