Carl LUDWIG<br/>
<em>Chestnut grove, Valley of the Tessin, Italy</em> (c. 1875) <!-- (frame recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
100.7 x 154.6 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, 1889<br />
p.313.6-1<br />

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Outfit BERNHARD WILLHELM, Paris and Los Angeles (fashion house); Bernhard WILLHELM (designer) Stella Tassone Viv MÉHES The Finding of Moses Giambattista TIEPOLO Reproductions of a series of old garments and garment interiors; jacket, collar, top, vest, pants, two belts and gloves MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA, Paris (manufacturer); Martin MARGIELA (designer) Hero and Leander Nicolas RÉGNIER Europaeische Graphik IX Eduard BARGHEER; LE CORBUSIER; Giacomo MANZÙ; Henry MOORE; Christian RICKERT; Graham SUTHERLAND; Ossip ZADKINE Saint Sebastian being cured by Irene Luca GIORDANO Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara Dosso DOSSI; Battista DOSSI (attributed to) The Man of Sorrows in the arms of the Virgin Hans MEMLING Frederick van Velthuysen and his wife, Josina Thomas de KEYSER Sir Sampson Gideon and an unidentified companion Pompeo BATONI Travellers by a well Andries BOTH Chair Carlo BUGATTI (Anna Romana Wright reading by candlelight) Joseph WRIGHT of Derby Idyll - Woman with a flute Jean-Jacques HENNER Portrait group: The singer Farinelli and friends Jacopo AMIGONI The finding of the True Cross COLA dell'Amatrice Gates of Venice (View of the Venetian lagoon with the Tower of Marghera) Francesco GUARDI The Garden of Love MASTER OF THE STORIES OF HELEN; Antonio VIVARINI (studio of) Vanitas bust ITALY Headdress ITALY Border ITALY Textile ITALY Border (ITALY) Collar (ITALY) Platter ITALY, Venice (manufacturer) Card of buttons (ITALY) Border (SOUTHERN ITALY) Weaving (NORTHERN ITALY) Border (ITALY)