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Portrait of an Aborigine Girolamo NERLI Koriniti, New Zealand Alfred COFFEY In front of the inn (Country scene with a hunting party) Philips WOUWERMAN Child's head with flowers Odilon REDON Amid history 2 (Large version) David THOMAS Broken heart Ricky Maynard The doors Édouard VUILLARD Joseph being sold by his brothers Francesco TREVISANI Holy Family with Saint Jerome, a female martyr and the infant Saint John the Baptist Prospero FONTANA Promise Robert RAUSCHENBERG Shrimp fishers at Saint-Georges Rupert BUNNY Tubishikway, a mythical woman Meyibor Elizabeth I, Queen of England Crispijn de PASSE the elder (engraver); Isaac OLIVIER I (after) Two Pilgrims Hans BURGKMAIR, the Elder Masters George, William and Miss Harriet Ware with the Aborigine Jamie Ware Robert DOWLING Plumes, arrows Kushana BUSH Joanie being hosed Christine GODDEN Khosrow PERSIAN Catherine Howard aged 13 Wenceslaus HOLLAR The Presentation to the People Jacques CALLOT Portrait of Jean Grusset Richardot and son George COATES; Anthony van DYCK (after) Cup and saucer CHINESE Hanging Man, Sleeping Man Gordon BENNETT Croydon Market David ARMFIELD Going to school Sidney NOLAN Junior's brush with Vorticism Gareth SANSOM 18th April. Aboriginal people from all over the Kimberley gather at Noonkanbah for a meeting of the Kimberley Land Council Michael GALLAGHER 2nd April. 6am. Ivan McPhee tells the AMAX man to get off Noonkanbah. Five hours later, after much more talk, the drillers pack up and leave Michael GALLAGHER The Noonkanbah people are given a 'choice' of two drill sites which to them are indistinguishable Michael GALLAGHER Study for The poultry market at Gisors Camille PISSARRO