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Adriaen Brouwer Schelte BOLSWERT (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) The industrious 'prentice alderman of London, the idle one brought before him and impeach'd by his accomplice William HOGARTH Pamela preparing to go home Antoine BENOIST (engraver); Joseph HIGHMORE (after) The Finding of Moses Giambattista TIEPOLO Europaeische Graphik V Eduard BARGHEER; Otto DIX; Erich HECKEL; Oskar KOKOSCHKA; Hans PURRMANN; Emy ROEDER Europaeische Graphik III AFRO BASALDELLA; Massimo CAMPIGLI; Giuseppe CAPOGROSSI; Renato GUTTUSO; Alberto MAGNELLI; Giacomo MANZÙ; Gino SEVERINI; Sergio VACCHI Self-portrait Hugh RAMSAY Self-portrait George W. LAMBERT Richard St George Mansergh-St George Thomas GAINSBOROUGH Europaeische Graphik VII Derrick GREAVES; David HOCKNEY; Howard HODGKIN; Allen JONES; Stanley JONES; Patrick PROCKTOR; Peter SCHMIDT Conversation Club Margaret BOURKE-WHITE Our dealers: I'm sorry Mr. Jones but we only handle artists whose names are difficult to pronounce Will DYSON Landscape with rocks Giovanni Francesco GRIMALDI (circle of) Jim where's all your 30,000? Well, you remember those chops we had last night! Eric THAKE Mai family, Maidstone Viv MÉHES Trial of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury Wenceslaus HOLLAR Friendly critics Constance L. JENKINS Let’s try and do what we can JAPANESE Crucifix, southern Italy Sidney NOLAN The artist's wife William FRATER Portrait of a gentleman Louis TOCQUÉ Performance with object for the expiation of guilt (Violence and grief remix) Gordon BENNETT Mystics and prophets Eugene CARCHESIO The Creation of Eve Heinrich ALDEGREVER Louis XIII, King of France Jacob LOUYS (engraver); Pieter SOUTMAN (intermediary draughtsman and engraver); Peter Paul RUBENS (after) Echuca landscape Fred WILLIAMS Postlude - the land where we have been is marked by dreams Arthur BOYD Untitled Jon CATTAPAN Even Michele Bachmann believes "We all have the same civil rights" (billboard project) GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Chun family Viv MÉHES