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Nancy outside in July XVII: The reddish one Jim DINE RGB (Mobile) Anne-Marie MAY Untitled 2000/01 Bill HENSON Raiki wara Katanari Nancy Tjilya Burton Nancy outside in July XIX: The fish in the wind Jim DINE Bird form Clifford LAST Tom Roberts’ pastel of Nancy Elmhurst Goode Alice MILLS; T. HUMPHREY AND CO. (after) Nancy outside in July XXII: Ten layers of gray Jim DINE Whitefella country Nancy Henry Ripijingimpi; Jilamara Arts and Craft, Milikapiti (workshop) Warakurna Women's Lasseter history story Waynatjura Bell; Judith Yinyika Chambers; Nancy Nyanyarna Jackson; Polly Pyuwawyia Jackson; Melissa Mitchell-Stevens; Eunice Yunurupa Porter Nancy outside in July XIII: Dissolving in Eden Jim DINE Diana's world John OLSEN Nancy outside in July XXIII: Squeezed out on Japanese paper Jim DINE Jilamara (Ceremonial design) Nancy Henry Ripijingimpi; Jilamara Arts and Craft, Milikapiti (workshop) (Portrait of Nancy Grant) Barbara BRASH New Madrid County, Missouri Russell LEE Burrkunda, dress Birmuyingathi Maali Netta Loogatha; Warthadangathi Bijarrba Ethel Thomas; Agnes Kohler; Grace Lillian Lee (collaborator) Interlude, after watching the Fourth of July Parade, Vale, Oregon Russell LEE Untitled Lee BONTECOU Pope Paul in Sistine Chapel, number one Lee GRAY Eighth stone Lee BONTECOU Merremia peltata Sydney PARKINSON (final draughtsman); John LEE (engraver) No title (Woman reclining on rattan couch) E. J. BELLOCQ Scene in an agricultural worker's shack town, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Russell LEE (Now) Jim DINE Lee Miller on a cannon MAN RAY Refugees in a schoolhouse, Sikeston, Missouri Russell LEE Untitled Lee BONTECOU Burrkunda, dress Rayarriwarrtharrbayingathi Mingungurra Amy Loogatha; Alison Kirstin Goongarra; Dibirdibi Amanda Jane Gabori; Helena Gabori; Grace Lillian Lee (collaborator) Ixora queenslandica Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); James MILLER (final draughtsman); John LEE (engraver)