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The visual book, le livre visuel Roger CUTFORTH 29th March. In the early hours of the morning AMAX return with a police escort. Later that morning, during a long meeting in 45°C heat, Dickie Skinner once more carefully stated the Noonkanbah position - and once more it was rejected Michael GALLAGHER Solar eruption of June 10 1973, Spectroheliogram obtained by Skylab 2. July – September 1973 NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Melbourne from Fire Brigade Tower looking South East J. W. LINDT Near Dimboola Sidney NOLAN Lynmouth, North Devon Francis BEDFORD (attributed to) Old alley way Harold CAZNEAUX No title (Woman) Athol SHMITH Proposed new altar for St Mary's Church of England, Balmoral Robert PRENZEL Dead animal Russell DRYSDALE El Cid Campeador spearing another bull Francisco GOYA y Lucientes; Eugène LOIZELET (reworked by) The carnivorous vulture Francisco GOYA y Lucientes The pool of blood #4 Mike PARR The desolation of Egypt William Holman HUNT Sorry, sweetie GUERRILLA GIRLS, New York (art collective) Cabinet Henry ZIGGEL Madonna lily Jim DINE Acrobats Albert GLEIZES Entre nous Dr Julian SMITH Tools in a puzzled vessel (Six) Jim DINE The Breaking of the Bread Jean-Louis FORAIN Ferruccio 10.10 am, 13 December 1994 Jon CATTAPAN Specimens of technique Frank SHORT Solway fishers no. 2 Frank SHORT Sea piece Frank SHORT (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) Owl house Eric THAKE ‘What fun!’ said the Gryphon Irena SIBLEY (Untitled) Antoni TÀPIES (Untitled) Antoni TÀPIES Where did you go Sophie WESTERMAN