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Two nymphs of Diana standing before a tree Jan SAENREDAM; Hendrick GOLTZIUS (after) The Entombment UNKNOWN; Hendrick GOLTZIUS (after) Grand entrance to Bamboozl'em Theodore LANE Ball Dress UNKNOWN Sir Joshua Reynolds UNKNOWN; Joshua REYNOLDS (after) The giant wheel Giovanni Battista PIRANESI The corps de ballet George CRUIKSHANK The city hunt Thomas ROWLANDSON (etcher); Henry William BUNBURY (draughtsman) The freemen triumphant or The mare foal'd of her folly Isaac CRUIKSHANK Staggering-bobs, a tale for Scotchmen or Munchausen driving his calves to market James GILLRAY Title plate Giovanni Battista PIRANESI La Gaîté Montparnasse, Paris Ambrose PATTERSON Study of fight between cavaliers and roundheads Charles KEENE The disinherited Marguerite MAHOOD My dear Honeyword,look at this incendiary letter... (wood block) G. J. PINWELL Pyrmont Harry McDONALD Enclosed spheres Stanislaus OSTOJA-KOTKOWSKI Painting 1990 - The physician desires to have others joined with them Stieg PERSSON The Hands and the Faces John BRACK Preliminary drawing for the Worship of Quetzelcoatl Bernard PICART St. Kilda St. Ti PARKS Black painting Mel RAMSDEN Study for The harem John LEWIS Right Hon. G J Goschen - Statesmen Carlo PELLEGRINI,(known as APE) Wire Noel COUNIHAN Man on horseback Charles PARROCEL St John and the Poisoned Cup MAÎTRE FRANÇOIS (illuminator); Jean DUBRUEIL (scribe) Adoration of the shepherds UNKNOWN Manuscript of Rabbi Ben Ezra by Robert Browning William DAVEY Il Penseroso 6 Kenny MEADOWS