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When day breaks, we will be off Francisco GOYA y Lucientes They are hot Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Be quick, they are waking up Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Christ before Pilate Nicolaes de BRUYN Mephistopheles introduces himself at Marthe's house Eugène DELACROIX A family of New South Wales William BLAKE (engraver); Philip Gidley KING (attributed to) (draughtsman) Young man with his head leaning against his shoulder, wearing a plumed headdress Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE The king at the gate Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); Frederick SANDYS (draughtsman) Harald Harfagr Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); Frederick SANDYS (draughtsman) One dead (or The Silent Chamber) Walter BARKER (wood-engraver); Matthew James LAWLESS (draughtsman) Job accepting Charity William BLAKE The island bee DALZIEL BROTHERS; G. J. PINWELL (draughtsman) The robber saint Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); Frederic SHIELDS (draughtsman) Sculptor, model and statue of a nude holding drapery Pablo PICASSO Christ before Pilate UNKNOWN; Hendrick GOLTZIUS (after) Henrietta-Maria, Queen of England Pieter de JODE II (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Charles I, King of England Jonas SUYDERHOEF (engraver); Pieter SOUTMAN (intermediary draughtsman and etcher); Anthony van DYCK (after) Nurse's Song William BLAKE Dance little lady Destiny Deacon France William HOGARTH Morning William HOGARTH Frederick V, King of Bohemia Willem HONDIUS (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) The Prodigal Son DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); John Everett MILLAIS (draughtsman) The people of Nineveh repenting upon hearing the prophesies of Jonah UNKNOWN; Maarten van HEEMSKERCK (after) Faust and Wagner Eugène DELACROIX The Vestibule of Hell and the Souls mustering to cross the Acheron William BLAKE War and peace ornament Tufi District, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea Charlemagne, Godefroi, and Arthur Hans BURGKMAIR, the Elder Israeli child at refugee camp, Shaar Aliyah Robert CAPA The Schismatics and Sowers of Discord: Mohammed William BLAKE