<em>Doll's dress</em> (c. 1865) <!-- (front view) --><br />

silk, linen, paper, metal<br />
53.0 cm (centre back) 15.7 cm (waist, flat)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Lady Nicholson and her daughter, 1951<br />
1054-D4<br />

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Two female portraits UNKNOWN; Joseph Noel PATON (after) Thr Rev.George Moberly D.C.L. UNKNOWN; C.J. GRANT (after) Shakespeare - Troilis and Cressidia, Act II Scene II UNKNOWN; George ROMNEY (after) Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel UNKNOWN; Anthony van DYCK (?MEYSSENS) (after) Apollo rewarding Merit and punishing Arrogance UNKNOWN; Andrea SACCHI (after) The Three women at the sepulchre UNKNOWN; Benjamin WEST (after) A Flemish entertainment UNKNOWN; Van HARP (after) The Virgin Mary and Child UNKNOWN; Edward RUMSEY (after) The Right Honourable Elisabeth Lady Cavendish UNKNOWN; Johannes Christianus JANSON (after) James Northcote Esq R A UNKNOWN; G.H. HARLOW (after) Charles Ashton Hey UNKNOWN; George RICHMOND (after) Constance Lucy Lady Colerane UNKNOWN; Johannes Christianus JANSON (after) Cymbeline Robert THEW (engraver); John HOPPNER (after) Two Gentlemen of Verona UNKNOWN; Angelica KAUFFMAN (after) Le Chasseur prenant des forces UNKNOWN; BOUT (after) The Roadside conversation UNKNOWN; David TENIERS II (after) Mounted soldiers near a village UNKNOWN; J van HUCHTENBURG (after) The Holy Family with St Elizabeth & John the Baptist UNKNOWN; RAPHAEL (after) St Maria Magdalene UNKNOWN; Agostino CARRACCI (after) St Roch giving alms UNKNOWN; Agostino CARRACCI (after); St TORELLI (after) Shepherd and shepherdess UNKNOWN; Govaert FLINCK (after) The Massacre of the innocents UNKNOWN; Nicolas POUSSIN (after) Woman,cows,sheepdog crossing stream ... UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) The Rest before the inn Nicolaes BERCHEM Crucifixion UNKNOWN; Lucas VOSTERMAN II (possibly after) Lady and a boy UNKNOWN; P. VECCHIO (after) Landscape (the arrival at the castle gate...) UNKNOWN; Ferdinand BOL (after) Landscape,trees with figures in shade, distant rocky view .. Nicolas PERELLE The Martyrdom of St. Blaise UNKNOWN; Car. MARRATTUS (after) Moses striking the rock UNKNOWN; I. LAFAGE (after)