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34138. Mexico, Corpus market UNKNOWN First time visited, long time lived (Taungurong, Bonnie Doon) Steven Rhall Universal Exposition, Paris. Pavilion of Hungary and Bosnia UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Panorama of the Trocadero Palace UNKNOWN Plate for The Angel at Islington Fred WILLIAMS Plate for Trampoline Fred WILLIAMS Universal Exposition, Paris. 26. Old Paris, giant and band T. H. McALLISTER, New York No title Allen JONES No title Allen JONES No title Allen JONES No title Allen JONES No title Allen JONES International Colonial Exhibition, Paris. 7. Pavilion of French East Africa and Temple of Angkor UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Pavilion of Germany UNKNOWN The sea between A and I 7/24/2013, 8°6’18.98"S 108°19'39.31”E Louisa BUFARDECI Universal Exposition, Paris. 517. MAISON MARTINET, Paris (publisher); Albert HAUTECOEUR (publisher) Universal Exposition, Paris. Fine Arts Palace NEURDEIN FRÈRES, Paris (manufacturer) The sea between A and I Date unknown, 7°29’44.02"S 107°23’55.98”E Louisa BUFARDECI Maria Kozic and Philip Brophy 2, 1981 Robert ROONEY Plate for Woman in profile Fred WILLIAMS Armband Linda JACKSON (designer) Bracelet (Ndebele) UNKNOWN Bracelet (Ndebele) UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Cambodian Pavilion UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Gate of Peking UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. The Water Palace UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. Lake hut of Lake Nokoué UNKNOWN Universal Exposition, Paris. 21. Army and Navy building, entrance T. H. McALLISTER, New York Universal Exposition, Paris. Cleopatra, Gallery of Fine Arts (Italy), cabinet print J. LÉVY & CO, Paris (manufacturer) Glasgow International Exhibition. 10. Industrial Hall, perspective view UNKNOWN