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Dolly, daughter of Hammond Clegg Esq. E. Phillips FOX Chrysanthemums Utagawa TOYOKUNI II Cherry blossom Utagawa TOYOKUNI II Bell flowers Utagawa TOYOKUNI II 52 Portraits Brook ANDREW Tree form Russell DRYSDALE Imogen found by Arviragus, Belarius and Guiderus in the forest Henry SINGLETON (The Weatherboard Falls, Blue Mountains) J. H. CARSE Ephraim Bonus, Jewish physician REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn God said to the serpent ‘Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life’. To the woman he said ‘I will make your pains in childbearing severe and with painful labour you will birth children. Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you.’ To Adam he said ‘Because you listened to your wife ate the fruit, cursed is the ground because of you. Through painful toil you will eat food and it will produce thorns and thistles. You will work the fields by the sweat of your brow and you will eat your food until you return to the dust of the ground from where you came.’ Richard LEWER God planted a garden in the east, Eden. There he put the man he formed and made all kinds of tress grow from the earth, trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden was the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Richard LEWER Study for The Vicar of Wakefield William Powel FRITH Travellers by a well Andries BOTH Study for The Deluge William ETTY The flight of Jane Shore Val PRINSEP The bulldog (guard dog). The bulldog which Mr. de Buffon mentions by both names, guard dog and doorman, is by nature unclean, not well built, curious, growls and is very surly. He constantly barks at the wrong moment. The tenants of the place he lives say that he is an ugly animal. The bulldog's or doorman’s job is to be responsible for guarding the house, but that is what he guards least. On the other hand he is much better at guarding letters, newspapers, calling cards, etc. He is extremely nasty and threatens to throw himself at those people who approach him. However, there is a certain way to tame him: when he shows his teeth one must show him a 100 sous coin. Instantly, he becomes soft and caressing like a poodle. The bulldog or doorman usually lives in dirty and smoky cabins, and thanks to the neighbourhood kids, he never runs out of kennels. Honoré DAUMIER The friends Gwen JOHN Broad shield Unknown The Clarence from Yulgilbar Donald FRIEND (Farm landscape) Sid LONG Faun and nymph Rayner HOFF Shield Unknown (The Upper Falls on the Wannon) Thomas CLARK Landing at Anzac Cove, April 25th, 1915 William Wiehe COLLINS The vision of St Stanislaus Arthur LOUREIRO After the Massacre of Glencoe Peter GRAHAM The Virgin and Child FLANDERS Shield Unknown The pond Peter PURVES SMITH All Mamballi country Willie Gudabi