<em>Doll's dress</em> (c. 1865) <!-- (front view) --><br />

silk, linen, paper, metal<br />
53.0 cm (centre back) 15.7 cm (waist, flat)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Lady Nicholson and her daughter, 1951<br />
1054-D4<br />

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Untitled (Study of dogs) Alcune Animali UNKNOWN; Giovanni vanden HECKE (after) Sketch of a man William HOGARTH The Sward of Damocles - Emblemata Nova Wenceslaus HOLLAR Mary of Orange lying in state Romeyn de HOOCH The Last Supper - The Passion of Christ UNKNOWN; Lucas van LEYDEN (after) From sunny seas H.S M Landscape with a small wooden bridge UNKNOWN; John Hamilton MORTIMER (after) L' Allegro 4 Kenny MEADOWS Untitled Patrick NASMYTH The Infant Saviour, seated on a cushion, a lamb beside Him Jacob MATHAM Untitled Adriaen van OSTADE Untitled - Cows and Oxen series Pieter Gerardus van OS Justa plus parte (Ivsta Plvs Parte) UNKNOWN; Franciscus ALBANUS (after) Young goat, first sheet... of eight prints depicting various goats UNKNOWN Lettre illustree sur Le Salon de 1865 (Page 4) Aldolphe Theodore POTEMENT Lettre illustree sur Le Salon de 1865 (Page 10) Aldolphe Theodore POTEMENT Abraham caressing Isaac REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Christ Seated, Disputing With The Doctors REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Untitled G. B. RICHARDSON An Oriental gateway David ROBERTS Man stading, with arm raised, pointing toward the left - Figures UNKNOWN; Salvator ROSA (after) Two soldiers, one seen from behind, holding a club - Figures UNKNOWN; Salvator ROSA (after) Soldier holding a long sword with both hands - Figures UNKNOWN; Salvator ROSA (after) Soldier, standing, holding a cane, facing left - Figures UNKNOWN; Salvator ROSA (after) Three soldiers, one seated and supporting himself... - Figures UNKNOWN; Salvator ROSA (after) Man with cane, seated, and soldier in helmet - Figures UNKNOWN; Salvator ROSA (after) Old woman approaching a late Gothic entrance John RUSKIN Judith with the head of Holofernes UNKNOWN; Guiseppi ZOCCHI (after) Sciences and Arts UNKNOWN; Cecco BRAVO,) (after) Magdalena UNKNOWN; Bartolomé Esteban MURILLO (after); Stephano TOFANELLI (after)