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No title (Young girl), carte-de-visite W. KEITH Template for a border Edmund Joseph COX The life of the party Dr L. A. LOVE The Microbe hunter Dr L. A. LOVE Ngalyawiltirr (Story of the woman bitten by a snake) Kurnti Jimmy Pike Queen Katherine's dream William BLAKE (etcher); Henry FUSELI (draughtsman) Yolande UNKNOWN (wood-engraver); Matthew James LAWLESS (draughtsman) Flower Power, London Kerry DUNDAS Glebe lady's son's dogs Geoff BEECHE Stop playing with yourself puzzle chair Marc SCHAMBURG (designer); Michael ALVISSE (designer); SCHAMBURG + ALVISSE, Sydney (manufacturer) The valley (Glencrutten) D. Y. CAMERON Remains of a Triumphal Arch at Petra, March 8 1839 David ROBERTS (draughtsman); Louis HAGHE (lithographer) Service Road Virginia COVENTRY The good shepherd chases away the wolf William BLAKE The Island trader Dr L. A. LOVE Courts and jesters (coversheet) Jeff GIBSON Untitled Dale FRANK Turing 7 Eduardo PAOLOZZI The wood of the suicides, Canto XIII Tom PHILLIPS Petty sessions Noel COUNIHAN Tree fern grove on Murrah River Wesley STACEY Untitled Harry Thompson No title (Interior of house) Virginia COVENTRY No title (Groups of standing and fallen dead trees in misty fields) Laurie WILSON Robert Jacks, Victor Majzner and Lesley Dumbrell Joyce EVANS (Seated female nude, in profile to right, hand raised to face) Fred WILLIAMS Willibald Pirckheimer Albrecht DÜRER Madonna Queen of Angels Albrecht DÜRER Setting off for work Jean-François MILLET An arch of Pont Notre-Dame Charles MERYON