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The Distant Range, Central Australia Eric Ebatarinja Untitled Desmond Ebatarinja Untitled Conley Ebatarinja Untitled Gabriel Namatjira Central Australian landscape Keith Namatjira MacDonnell Ranges Arnulf Ebatarinja The bluff Brenton Raberaba I've seen the country burnt black and white like this Marlene Rubuntja One more woman Marlene Rubuntja; Sally Rubuntja Victoria Amazonica Humberto CAMPANA (designer); Fernando CAMPANA (designer); Trudy Inkamala; Roxanne Petrick; Rosabella Ryder; Rhonda Sharpe; Maurice Petrick; Marlene Rubuntja; Dulcie Sharpe; Dulcie Raggett; Cornelius Ebatarinja; Sonya Petrick; Louise Robertson; Janella Ebatarinja; Katherine Ryder; Elliat RICH (production designer); James B. YOUNG; ELBOWRKSHP, Alice Springs (manufacturer); CENTRE FOR APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY, Alice Springs (manufacturer); SCHIAVELLO, Melbourne (manufacturer) Lid WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN / GAUL Brooch UNKNOWN, (Kalgoorlie, Western Australia) Pectoral Vella LaVella Island, Western Province, Solomon Islands Body armour Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea Pectoral Vella LaVella Island, Western Province, Solomon Islands Solid rock, standing on sacred ground Ricky Jakamarra Connick Udaga agi (Female figure) Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea Ceremonial wig Mount Hagen area, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea Ceremonial wig Mount Hagen area, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea Moka kina Melpa people, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea Untitled Maurice Namatjira Untitled Maurice Namatjira Untitled Richard Moketarinja West MacDonnell Ranges Maurice Namatjira Untitled Alison Walbungara Bombers vs Magpies at Titjikala Johnny Young Perrurle Midday in the Western MacDonnells Richard Moketarinja These hills at Larapinta Alison Walbungara MacDonnell Ranges Otto Pareroultja Mt Sonder from the James Range Albert Namatjira
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