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Abarema grandiflora Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman); Gerard SIBELIUS (engraver) Acacia terminalis Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman and engraver) No title (Fashion illustration. Model Jenny Ham) Athol SHMITH Melaleuca quinquenervia Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman); Gerard SIBELIUS (engraver) Leptospermum attenuatum Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman); Gerard SIBELIUS (engraver) Darwinia fascicularis Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman); Gerard SIBELIUS (engraver) Melaleuca viridiflora Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman); Gerard SIBELIUS (engraver) Rotala mexicana Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); John Frederick MILLER (final draughtsman); William TRINGHAM (engraver) Myrtella obtusa Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman); Gerard SIBELIUS (engraver) Lumnitzera littorea Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); UNKNOWN (final draughtsman); Daniel MacKENZIE (engraver) No title (Fashion illustration. Model Margaret Hibble) Athol SHMITH John Cato Athol SHMITH Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia. United States Centennial Commission, box H. MITCHELL (modeller) International Exhibition, London, service medal and box William WYON R. A. (designer) Roger Livesay Athol SHMITH No title (Country window) Richard HARRIS No title (Advertising illustration for General Motors Holden) Athol SHMITH Vivien Leigh in Camille Athol SHMITH Thysanotus banksii Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); John CLEVELEY junior (final draughtsman); Daniel MacKENZIE (engraver) Lomandra laxa Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); John CLEVELEY junior (final draughtsman); Jabez GOLDAR (engraver) Ice Richard HARRIS Stigmaphyllon auriculatum Sydney PARKINSON (final draughtsman); William TRINGHAM (engraver) Barrosoa apiculata Sydney PARKINSON (final draughtsman); Gerard SIBELIUS (engraver) Alchornea triplinervia Sydney PARKINSON (final draughtsman); Gabriel SMITH (engraver) Bomarea edulis Sydney PARKINSON (final draughtsman); David Johannes Martini van DRAZOWA (engraver) Allophyllus cobbe Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); John Frederick MILLER (final draughtsman); Daniel MacKENZIE (engraver) Cerbera manghas Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); John Frederick MILLER (final draughtsman); Charles WHITE (engraver) Headpiece TEKKE TURKMEN people Antidesma bunius Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman); Gerard SIBELIUS (engraver) Duranta repens Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman); Daniel MacKENZIE (engraver)