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Woman's coat CHODOR TURKMEN people George asleep in Rushcutters Bay Park Leon F. SAUNDERS Canoe splashboard Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea No title (Two people standing under trees) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Buddha SINHALESE people Kundu drum Asmat people, West Papua Sail the Midnight Sun John Kasaipwalova; Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Belt UZBEK people Female figure giving birth Kambot people, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea Gopi board Kerewa people, Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea Ceremonial cloth BATAK people Universal Exposition, Paris. People climbing the Eiffel Tower SOCIÉTÉ DE LA TOUR EIFFEL, Paris (publisher) Women in The Bourke Leon F. SAUNDERS Ilgich LAKAI UZBEK people Bridal camel trapping TEKKE TURKMEN people Daramae (Barkcloth headband) Ömie people, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea Tunic UZBEK people Tunic UZBEK people No title (Group of people in front of buildings, San Gimignano, Italy) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Daramau (Sago pot) Iatmul people, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea Daramau (Sago pot) Iatmul people, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea Jij’e (vinohu’e, siha’e ohu’o odunaigo’e) (Stars (with tattoo design of the bellybutton, fruit of the sihe tree and jungle vine) Lila Warrimou (Misaso) Antelope mask Ibibio people, South-eastern Nigeria, West Africa Woman's dress (Jumlo) SHIN people Woman’s vest ALAS people Warm people Ricky SWALLOW Tunic UZBEK people Ugae (Man's headdress) Alban Sare Boat people Sally L'ESTRANGE Shield Iatmul people, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea