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Canavalia rosea Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman); Frederick Polydore NODDER (final draughtsman); Gerard SIBELIUS (engraver) Ulysses and the Sirens Pietro AQUILA; Annibale CARRACCI (after) Evening outfit MAGG, Melbourne (fashion house); Zara HOLT (designer) Dress prototype 1/1 MATERIALBYPRODUCT, Melbourne (fashion house); Susan DIMASI (designer); Chantal McDONALD (designer) Solway Moss Frank SHORT (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) The pink rose Jacques-Emile BLANCHE Cape Gris Nez Eugenio CECCHINI-PRICHARD Teapot, model no. HH 418 HANS HANSEN SØLVSMEDIE, Copenhagen (manufacturer); Karl Gustav HANSEN (designer) Lady in grey John LONGSTAFF Summer afternoon, Templestowe Louis BUVELOT A forest clearing Narcisse DIAZ The generosity of the Chevalier Bayard Jean-Philibert DUMET Suit and bra SARA THORN, Melbourne (fashion house); ABYSS STUDIO, Melbourne (fashion house); Sara THORN (designer); Bruce SLORACH (designer) Wedding outfit (EASTERN SLOVAKIA) Mermaids dancing Rupert BUNNY The Town Hall, Amsterdam Gerritt BERCKHEYDE Wedding outfit UNKNOWN, Australia Study for The rabbiters Russell DRYSDALE Checkmate Charles Meer WEBB Polar bear Francois POMPON; CLAUDE VALSUANI, Paris (foundry) Cricketer Fred WILLIAMS Maria Giamakos Viv MÉHES This is the account of the heavens and then earth when they were created, when God made the earth and the heavens. No shrub had yet appeared on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, but streams came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the earth. Then God formed a man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life, and the man became a living being. Richard LEWER Dulka Warngiid Birmuyingathi Maali Netta Loogatha; Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori; Warthadangathi Bijarrba Ethel Thomas; Thunduyingathi Bijarrb May Moodoonuthi; Kuruwarriyingathi Bijarrb Paula Paul; Wirrngajingathi Bijarrb Kurdalalngk Dawn Naranatjil; Rayarriwarrtharrbayingathi Mingungurra Amy Loogatha Initiation Reko Rennie Roach family, Reservoir Viv MÉHES The Life of Shakyamuni Katsushika HOKUSAI; Yamada Isai Siege of Paris Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Nagakubo Utagawa HIROSHIGE Image of modern evil Albert TUCKER