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International Exposition, Antwerp. American court, Duluth Mill T. H. McALLISTER, New York (manufacturer) International Exhibition of Arts and Manufactures, Dublin. No. 73. Just awake by Magni, stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London (manufacturer) World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago. 8300. Merrily the waters flow, stereograph B. W. KILBURN STEREOGRAPHIC VIEW CO., Littleton, New Hampshire (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. The Trocadero Palace and Colonial section, stereograph AMERICAN STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, New York (manufacturer); R. Y. YOUNG Universal Exposition, Paris. 2878. U. S. Government Building across the Seine, stereograph WILLIAM H. RAU, Philadelphia (manufacturer); GRIFFITH & GRIFFITH Philadelphia (retailer) La Goulue Henri de TOULOUSE-LAUTREC The actor Arashi Rikan II as Miyagi Asojiro Shunkosai HOKUEI Shirai Gompachi Utagawa KUNISADA (Holy Family) Francesco BARTOLOZZI; GUERCINO (after) From Nihonbashi IMAI Hisamaro Spon - The locals had no option Robert ROONEY Universal Exposition, Paris. 109. Fine arts, Italian section (No. 11), stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) The surrender of Ulm or Buonaparte and General Mack coming to a right understanding James GILLRAY London, from Greenwich J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Vessels, weapons and fishing implements used by the natives of New South Wales. Claude-Marie-François DIEN (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Francesco Clemente: The Pondicherry Pastels 1980 Francesco CLEMENTE Charity Heinrich ALDEGREVER Lazarus begging for crumbs Heinrich ALDEGREVER Pan and Diana Pietro AQUILA; Annibale CARRACCI (after) Taking the census George CRUIKSHANK A riddle: Several mad-looking fellows in a white cotton bonnet shaped like a pear...take a guess! It's the middle way Auguste DESPERET A woman borne off by a sea god Pietro AQUILA; Annibale CARRACCI (after); Agostino CARRACCI Le Diable boiteux or The Devil upon two sticks, conveying John Bull to the land of promise James GILLRAY Phrixus presenting Chalciope with the skin of a sacrificed ram Paolo VERONESE (attributed to) Landscape in style of Ni Zan Kun Can Flowers falling SHEN Zhou (attributed to) Madonna and Child in a Landscape Albrecht ALTDORFER Hero and Leander; Hercules and Iole; Pan and Syrinx Pietro AQUILA; Annibale CARRACCI (after) The advantages of travel or A little learning is a dangerous thing: Plate 2 George CRUIKSHANK Strangers in the night David McDIARMID