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No title (Castle and cobblestone road) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Bride and groom cutting cake) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Fortifications and garden, Edinburgh) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Thatched cottage) C. Stuart TOMPKINS In the Sudan the Nuba people are fighting for their existence. As Khartoum’s military government imposes Islamic law on the south it is doubtful that today’s Nuba children will ever enjoy the same unique cultural identity and independence as their forebears Jack PICONE The Nuba mountains and their valleys and wide fertile lowlands cover an area about the size of Australia. The people of the Nuba are skilful farmers growing crops on terraces on the hillsides and, in more peaceful times, working the fields down in the plains Jack PICONE Belt UZBEK people Board Iatmul people, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea Shield Iatmul people, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea Jipae mask Menemsi Mariadagwa, ridge post Yarbasuga clan, Iatmul people, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea Kundu drum Mesak Iape Temar ne sisi (Ancestor spirit figure) Albanu Moka kina Melpa people, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea No title (Wedding party and cake) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Bride and her father) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Windmill) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Fortress and moat) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Mountain scene) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Cave) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Harbour) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Cathedral) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Fortifications and garden, Edinburgh) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Two women in garden) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Lawn, Edinburgh) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Chateax, Imien) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Chateax, Imien) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Old house) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Long bridge) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Trees and river) C. Stuart TOMPKINS