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Untitled Jon CATTAPAN View from Chinook, Helmand Province, Afghanistan Lyndell BROWN; Charles GREEN Puppy dancing with cougar Laith McGREGOR Untitled Jon CATTAPAN Ormaig Jean McMANN Untitled Jon CATTAPAN Apollo II rises past launch pad 39A. 1st luna landing mission. Kennedy Space Center, Florida. 16th July 1969 NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., walks on the surface of the moon NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Apollo 6 launch, Saturn V Rocket, interstage section falls away NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Robe St Constanze ZIKOS Mariner 6 picture of Mars. 63 x 48 miles featuring large crater about 24 miles across NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Bowl CHINESE Crescent Earth, one-third illuminated (No.22) UNKNOWN Plate CHINESE Salt 129 Murray FREDERICKS Eclipse YANG Yongliang Bowl CHINESE Mars. Summit caldera of the Nix Olympica volcano, 8 March 1972 NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Global mosaic of Mars, North Pole ice cap at centre NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) I bought my first horse at twenty Viva GIBB Rob Roy: In Glasgow Tolbooth ch XLII, tile MINTON, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire (manufacturer); John MOYR SMITH (designer) Parolles' eyes unbound, tile MINTON, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire (manufacturer); Henry Stacy MARKS (designer) Dennis Rod McNICOL Poli Rod McNICOL Crescent Jupiter with great red spot - Pioneer 10 NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) A pair of phoenix in a landscape of rocks and flowers CHINESE Temple of the Winds, Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Christopher KÖLLER Kinkaku-ji, Kyoto Christopher KÖLLER Voyager 1 image of Jupiter, taken 10 December 1978, showing Great Red Spot and turbulent atmosphere NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Skylab ultraviolet picture of magnetic loops above solar active region 14 August 1973 NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer)