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Sandals UNKNOWN, Australia Alvaro Bazan, Marqués de Santa Cruz Paulus PONTIUS (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Pieter de Jode the Younger Pieter de JODE II (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford (1676-1745) James WATSON (engraver); Jean Baptiste van LOO (after) The great green macaw William LIZARS (engraver); Edward LEAR (after) The spirited Moor Gazul is the first to spear bulls according to rules Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Surfer funeral for Liberty 2 Shaun GLADWELL Plate 5 Louise BOURGEOIS Joos de Momper Anthony van DYCK The antiquarians Louis-Léopold BOILLY Frans Francken the Elder Anthony van DYCK Lucas Vorsterman Lucas VOSTERMAN II (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Plundering a large farmhouse Jacques CALLOT Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and Cardinal Infante of Spain Pieter de JODE II (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) A Sunday amateur. Ah, if I had all these old pictures, how I could sell all these beautiful frames Honoré DAUMIER Come on you rasca. Just you wait, you crook. Oh come on Alfred, after all, you've known each other for some twenty years. Honoré DAUMIER Saint Jerome in his Cell Albrecht DÜRER Colour panel Denise GREEN Hilaire Syme Alice MILLS; BROOTHORN STUDIOS, Melbourne The Regis suite of glassware Edward KAYSER Mentone Tom ROBERTS Interior of John Alloo's Restaurant, Ballarat S. T. GILL Untitled 1983-84 Bill HENSON Townsville from Castle Hill UNKNOWN Bunty Turner as Eliza Doolittle Athol SHMITH Panoramic view of King George's Sound, part of the colony of Swan River Robert HAVELL junior (engraver); Lieutenant Robert DALE (after) Mont Saint Quentin from Albers direction Eric WILSON The opening of the fold (Or Early morning) Samuel PALMER Artus Wolfaert Cornelis GALLE II (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Le Corbusier: The poem of the right angle ATELIERS MOURLOT (printer); LE CORBUSIER (after)