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The Souls of Those who only repented at the Point of Death William BLAKE The Lawn with the Kings and Angels William BLAKE The Goddess of Fortune William BLAKE The Symbolic Figure of the Course of Human History described by Virgil William BLAKE The Rest on the Mountain leading to Purgatory William BLAKE The Harlot and the Giant William BLAKE Dante running from the Three Beasts William BLAKE The Circle of Falsifiers. Dante and Virgil covering their Noses because of the Stench William BLAKE Dante adoring Christ William BLAKE The Circle of the Lustful. Paolo and Francesca William BLAKE The Circle of the Traitors. Dante's Foot striking Bocca dei Abbati William BLAKE The Circle of the Corrupt Officials. The Devils mauling each other William BLAKE The Angel at the Gate of Dis William BLAKE The Stygian Lake, with the Ireful Sinners fighting William BLAKE The Circle of the Corrupt Officials. The Devils mauling each other William BLAKE The Hell-Hounds hunting the Destroyers of their own Goods William BLAKE The Circle of Falsifiers. Dante and Virgil covering their Noses because of the Stench William BLAKE The Circle of the Corrupt Officials. The Devils tormenting Ciampolo William BLAKE The angel crossing the Styx William BLAKE St Peter and St James with Dante and Beatrice William BLAKE St Peter appears to Beatrice and Dante William BLAKE The Circle of the Traitors. Dante's Foot striking Bocca dei Abbati William BLAKE The Circle of the Corrupt Officials. The Devils tormenting Ciampolo William BLAKE The Vestibule of Hell and the Souls mustering to cross the Acheron William BLAKE The Schismatics and Sowers of Discord: Mohammed William BLAKE Antaeus setting down Dante and Virgil in the Last Circle of Hell William BLAKE The Circle of the Thieves. Agnello dei Brunelleschi attacked by a Six-Footed Serpent William BLAKE Ephialtes and two other Titans William BLAKE Vanni Fucci 'making Figs' against God William BLAKE Minos William BLAKE
2 pages12