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Head of a bearded man looking down Federico BAROCCI John Dougherty David DAVIES Dancing Charles Samuel KEENE Annibale Jean-Louis-Ernest MEISSONIER Saint Bartholomew Hendrick GOLTZIUS Edward Bulwer - Lord Lytton of Knebworth D. LAUGEE Untitled Alfred E. CHALON The Holy Kinship and Two Musical Angels Albrecht DÜRER Philippe le Roy, Baron de Broechem Anthony van DYCK César Costermans Edouard AGNEESSENS Untitled J.P. DONNE Self-portrait George W. LAMBERT Untitled (cloaked figure of a nobleman, on rounded hill) Lucas CRANACH I (attributed to) Bernard Shaw Colin COLAHAN Johannes Hoser Melchior KÜSEL Philippe le Roy, Baron de Broechem Anthony van DYCK Frans Francken the Younger Willem HONDIUS (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Erycius Puteanus Pieter de JODE II (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Two studies of male heads Studies of hands, feet and a leg Federico ZUCCARO (attributed to) Study Charles Samuel KEENE Monks in a garden UNKNOWN; Annibale CARRACCI (after) Auguste Rodin Pierre Auguste RENOIR Aubert le Mire Paulus PONTIUS (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Jan van Mildert Lucas VORSTERMAN I (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Bearded old man wearing a turban ornamented with a small plume, facing left Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE Bearded old man with head and eyes lowered, wearing a turban ornamented with fur Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE The Lent Jewels DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); William Holman HUNT (draughtsman) The little executioner Prince RUPERT (mezzotinter); Jusepe de RIBERA (follower of) (after) J. T. Short Esq. Frank SHORT Two men with turbans GUERCINO (attributed to)
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