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Combat I Leon GOLUB Combat II Leon GOLUB Two men in high hats struggling Charles KEENE A humerous method of making scarlet look blue Thomas Howell JONES Symptoms of restiveness UNKNOWN (etcher); Henry William BUNBURY (draughtsman) Revenge of the cat Richard BOSMAN The Orangeman Richard HAMILTON The Struggle Hermann MULLER Study for 'Not To Put To Fine a Point On It' Charles Samuel KEENE Resist unto blood the true Christian warfare, the spirit against the flesh Isaac CRUIKSHANK A King surrounded by his court, rises up from his throne threatening with a sword a bishop kneeling before him PALMA il Giovane (attributed to) Dissentions in the cabinet or Affairs in a perilous situation Charles WILLIAMS The traitor Paul JOANOWITCH Man seizing another by cloak Charles Samuel KEENE The Tiff UNKNOWN; J.M.L RALSTON (after) The first cloud William Quiller ORCHARDSON Study of a man seizing another by cloak Charles Samuel KEENE Finished drawing for 'Taking Stock' Charles Samuel KEENE Grand entrance to Bamboozl'em Theodore LANE Resist unto blood the true Christian warfare, the spirit against the flesh Isaac CRUIKSHANK Love and Death G. F. WATTS The quarrel: Old cross G. J. PINWELL Challenged John PETTIE Pamela and Lady Davers Joseph HIGHMORE The wardrobe Jean-Honoré FRAGONARD The Reprimand UNKNOWN; John Everett MILLAIS (after) Die Jager (Plate 1) Daniel CHODOWIECKI All the talents upset, or the highmettled Hanoverian grown restive Charles WILLIAMS Die Jager (Plate 2) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Cottu and his umbrella saving the monarchy Eugène-Hippolyte FOREST
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