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Midsummer night's dream UNKNOWN; John TENNIEL (after) Charon Bartolomeo PASSAROTTI; MICHELANGELO Buonarotti (after) Hippolytus (Ippolito) Giorgio DE CHIRICO Skylla and Kharybdis - The Odyssey No XVII Oskar KOKOSCHKA There is plenty to suck Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Ignis (Le Feu) UNKNOWN; Lud. de BOULLONGNE (after) They spin finely Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Mephistopheles in the air Eugène DELACROIX Mephistopheles receiving the student Eugène DELACROIX Study for Danae Giulio CALVI Two nymphs of Diana holding pitchers Jan SAENREDAM; Hendrick GOLTZIUS (after) Godiva DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); William Holman HUNT (draughtsman) Mephistopheles appearing to Faust Eugène DELACROIX Méphistophélès in the students' tavern Eugène DELACROIX Return to the outskirts of Corinth (Ritorno alla sponda di Corinto) Giorgio DE CHIRICO Jupiter and Mercury in the house of Philemon and Baucis Hendrik GOUDT; Adam ELSHEIMER (after) Illustration to Jack the Giant Killer Robert Anning BELL Daphne and Apollo Joshua CRISTALL Gannymede UNKNOWN; Philippe MICHELANGELO (after) Mephistopheles introduces himself at Marthe's house Eugène DELACROIX Iphis and Anascarete UNKNOWN; John Everett MILLAIS (after) Faust and Mephistopheles in the Harz Mountains Eugène DELACROIX Tanyalos and Sisyphos - The Odyssey No XV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Alcestis and Alcides UNKNOWN; Charles-Antoine COYPEL (after) Two nymphs of Diana, one holding a pitcher Jan SAENREDAM; Hendrick GOLTZIUS (after) Paris and Oenone UNKNOWN; Hugo KAUFFMANN (after) Penelope discovered undoing the web John FLAXMAN Harmony of the spheres Agostino CARRACCI Here comes the bogey-man Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Philoctetes in the island of Lemnos James BARRY
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