As a State Government entity, the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) is subject to and operates within the required procurement framework set by the Victorian Government Procurement Board (VGPB). NGV aims to meet all requirements of the VGPB regarding probity and operate transparently in all required procurement activities. More information about the VGPB can be found on the Buying for Victoria website.
The Victorian State Government is committed to ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible procurement.
The Supplier Code of Conduct describes the minimum expectations in the following areas:
A summary of the Supplier Code of Conduct is available at Ensuring ethical procurement through Supplier Code of Conduct – Suppliers’ Guide.
Suppliers to the NGV must ensure that they and their employees, workers, representatives, suppliers, and subcontractors comply with the standards of conduct set out in the guide.
To increase transparency and help businesses identify and plan for our future needs, the NGV has issued a Procurement Activity Plan.
NGV Procurement Activity Plan 2024-25
This plan lists our anticipated major purchases over the next 12-18 months. It is an indicative plan only and may be updated from time to time or at least once a year. Companies should register with the Tenders VIC website to ensure that they receive advice on any upcoming tenders.
All expressions of interest and open tenders raised by the National Gallery of Victoria will be advertised on the Tenders VIC website.
If you wish to lodge a complaint about a procurement process, please email and include name and organisation’s contact details; the procurement that the complaint relates to; the basis for the complaint specifying the issues involved; how the subject of the complaint and the specific issue affects you or your organisation.
NGV will contact you within five working days to discuss the Complaints Management process.
For any queries not covered on this page, please email