EGYPT, Mageb<br/>
<em>Votive stela of Amenemope</em> 1479 BCE-1425 BCE <!-- (front view) --><br />

limestone, pigment<br />
36.5 x 24.5 x 8.0 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 1939<br />
D83-1982<br />


Egypt Votive stela of Amenemope 1479 BC-1425 BC

EGYPT, Mageb
Votive stela of Amenemope 1479 BCE-1425 BCE

This small votive stela (inscribed stone slab) depicts private individuals worshipping a venerated deity. It would have been dedicated at a shrine or temple and reflects the personal piety of the family. The stela shows Amenemope and his wife and son adoring Ra-Horakhty, the great creator god. In her left hand the wife carries a small perfume bottle, and the son carries a duck on a string.