Uta Uta Tjangala<br/>
Pintupi c.1926–1990<br/>
<em>Yumari</em> 1972 (detail)<br/>
synthetic polymer paint on composition board<br/>
83.8 x 63.6 cm<br/>
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br/>
Gift of Mrs Douglas Carnegie OAM, 1989 (O.87-1989)<br/>

Index 1945–2010


Note to reader

Throughout its life, the NGV’s scholarly journal has been published under various names as quarterly and annual editions: Quarterly Bulletin of the National Gallery of Victoria, 1945–58; Annual Bulletin of the National Gallery of Victoria, 1959–67; Art Bulletin of Victoria, 1967–2002; Art Bulletin of the National Gallery of Victoria, 2002–10. Our index is a chronological listing of all articles published in the journal from its very first edition.

‘Unknown’ is used where an author has not been specifically credited in the original print version. We thank the Library for their efforts in the compilation of this valuable listing.


Quarterly Bulletin of the National Gallery of Victoria


vol. 1, no. 1, Summer

Lindsay, Daryl: [Introduction], pp. 2–4; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 1: English 18th-century glasses, p. 4; Unknown: The Streeton memorial exhibition p. 5; Unknown: From the Print Room p. 6; Unknown: Wine jar of potiche form, p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Gallery and Art Museum …, p. 7.

vol. 1, no. 2, Autumn

Unknown: [Introduction], pp. 1–2; Unknown: The Colin Templeton collection of English porcelain, pp. 3–4; Unknown: George Russell Drysdale …, pp. 5–6; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 2: Silver covered jug, George III, p. 5; Unknown: From the Print Room, p. 7; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery  …, p. 7.

vol. 1, no. 3, Winter

Irwin, Leighton: The illustration on the cover …, p. 2; Unknown: Recent additions to our collection …, p. 7; Unknown: The Official War Artist: Self-portrait, p. 1; Unknown: Hondecoeter is a typical Dutch master of the seventeenth century …, pp. 3–4; Unknown: The collection of Central European and Balkan textiles …, pp. 5–6; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 3: Henry VIII chalice and paten, 1535, p. 5; Unknown: From the Print Room, p. 7.


vol. 1, no. 4

Lindsay, Daryl: My recent visit to England and America …, p. 2; Unknown: Thanks to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kent …, p. 1; Unknown: The three paintings here reproduced …, pp. 3–4; Unknown: Francis de Erdely …, p. 5; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 4: Grandfather clock by John Elliott of Plymouth, p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 2, no. 1

Lindsay, Daryl: The exquisite medieval French wood carving of St. Barbara …, pp. 1–2; Unknown: [Recent acquisitions], p. 3; Unknown: Of the three Australian painters whose water colours are reproduced on this page …, p. 4; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 5: Two glasses, decorated with the letters E. H. and fern leaf design, p. 5; Unknown: Four important acquisitions …, pp. 5–6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 2, no. 2

Lindsay, Daryl: With the exception of the Streeton memorial exhibition in 1944 …, p. 1; Unknown: Head of a virgin, p. 2; Unknown: Rupert Bunny exhibition, pp. 3–4; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 6: English table chandelier in cut glass, p. 5; Unknown: The above drawing by Romney …, p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include…, p. 7.



vol. 2, no. 3

Lindsay, Daryl: The acquisition through the Felton Bequest of the profile Portrait of a Lady …, pp. 1–2; Unknown: Four winter landscapes, pp. 3–4; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 7: St George and the Dragon, p. 5; Unknown: From the Print Room, p. 5; Unknown: [In the collection], p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 2, no. 4

Jones, Brian: The Wakefield exhibition, p. 6; McClelland, Joshua N.: Gems from the Art Museum no. 8: The Rodney jug of Derby, 1782, p. 5; Murdoch, Keith: National Gallery Society, p. 2; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 1; Unknown: An interesting and instructive exhibition …, pp. 3–4; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.


vol. 3, no. 1

Haines, Robert: Gems from the Art Museum no. 9: Sweetmeat dish, English, p. 5; Hoff, Ursula: English monumental brasses, pp. 6–7; Lindsay, Daryl: In view of the genuine interest …p. 1; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7; Unknown: Russell Drysdale’s The rabbiters …, p. 2; Unknown: Visitors to the Art Museum during recent months …, pp. 3–4.

vol. 3, no. 2

Haines, Robert: Gems from the Art Museum no. 10: Portrait head, Terra Cotta, p. 3; Lindsay, Daryl: In this issue we reproduce two important old masters …, pp. 1–2; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include … p. 7; Unknown: The exquisite Greek head …, p. 4; Unknown: The National Gallery Travelling Scholarship …, p. 5; Unknown: The National Gallery of Victoria has acquired …, p. 6.


vol. 3, no. 3

Lindsay, Daryl: A notable event of recent months …, p. 1; Unknown: The Connell collection, pp. 2–4; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 11: The seasons, p. 5; Unknown: Some prize-winners at the annual exhibition by students of the National Gallery Painting School, 1948, p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 3, no. 4

Hoff, Ursula: The three panels, reproduced here …, pp. 3–4; Lindsay, Daryl: Our contemporary buying policy …, p. 1; Unknown: The important work by a great French historical painter …, p. 2; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 12: Escritoire French eighteenth century, p. 5; Unknown: The most important exhibition shown at the National Gallery …, p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.


vol. 4, no. 1

Ebbott, Rex: English glass, pp. 3–4; Lindsay, Lionel: Turner’s Liber Studiorum, pp. 5–6; McDonnell, A. J. L.: Now and again a picture …, pp. 1–2; Thomas, Laurence: The opportunity happily presents itself …, p. 1; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 13: Iron torchere, p. 5; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 4, no. 2

Unknown: El Greco’s Portrait of a man, p. 1; Unknown: Four contemporary paintings, pp. 3–4; Unknown: The old oak, pp. 1–2; Unknown: Gems from the Art Museum no. 14: Persian dish, pp. 5–6; Unknown: Print Room collection, p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 4, no. 3

Hoff, Ursula: The print collection …, pp. 1–6.

vol. 4, no. 4

Cox, Leonard B.: A notable event during the year to lovers of Chinese art …, pp. 1–4; Unknown: Very little is known of William Ford …, p. 5; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 6.


vol. 5, no. 1

Cohn, Ola: In the past, students of sculpture …, p. 1; Haines, Robert: Australian pottery has …, pp. 5–6; Haines, Robert: For the most part current trends in furniture making in Australia …, p. 6; Hoff, Ursula: The ideals of topography and illustration …, p. 4; Shore, Arnold: Contemporary Australian painting …, pp. 2–3; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 6.

vol. 5, no. 2

Hoff, Ursula: Liotard’s Lady in a Turkish dress, pp. 3–4; Hoff, Ursula: Rembrandt van Rijn (1606–1669), pp. 2–3; Lindsay, Daryl: A great benefactor, p. 1; Unknown: The two drawings, reproduced on this page …, p. 5; Unknown: [Recent acquisitions], p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include: …, p. 7.

vol. 5, no. 3

Dutton, Orlando: Archaic Greek statue in marble, pp. 3–4; J. L.: Two recent acquisitions of contemporary Australian painting, pp. 5–6; Lindsay, Lionel: Charles Samuel Keene,
C. K. of
Punch 1923–1891, pp. 1–3; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 5, no. 4

Hoff, Ursula: The drawing reproduced here …, p. 4; Lindsay, Daryl: The large Study for a boat passing a lock by John Constable, pp. 1–3; Lipscombe, S.: Gems from the Art Museum: (English 17th-century silver), pp. 5–6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.


vol. 6, no. 1

Hoff, Ursula: In St John the Baptist the Gallery possesses …, pp. 3–4; Hoff, Ursula: The works of the Frenchman Georges Rouault …, pp. 5–6; Philipp, Franz: Medieval stained glass medallions, pp. 1–2; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 6, no. 2

Cook, Arthur V.: Max Duncan Meldrum, pp. 1–2; Lindsay, Daryl: When we think of the ‘sporting picture’ …, pp. 3–4; Lipscombe, S.: The teapot and other tea equipment pp. 5–6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 6, no. 3

Lindsay, Daryl: Keith Arthur Murdoch, 1886–1952, pp. 1–2; Thomson, G.: Art Museum: recent acquisitions, pp. 3–6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 6, no. 4

Cox, Leonard B.: Chinese painting, pp. 3–6; Shore, Arnold: Charles Conder, pp. 1–2; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.


vol. 7, no. 1

Hoff, Ursula: Catalan stone figure, 13th century, p. 4; Shore, Arnold: The conservation of National Gallery paintings, pp. 1–3; Thomson, G.: Spanish furniture, 16th and 17th centuries, pp. 5–6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Museum include …, p. 7.

vol. 7, no. 2

Hoff, Ursula: Australian paintings, pp. 1–2, Hoff, Ursula: Matisse’s revolutionary break-away from realistic representation, p. 3; Thomson, G.: The recent consignment of modern British and European paintings …, pp. 4–6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 7, no. 3

Hoff, Ursula: Gericault’s The Entombment …, pp. 1–2; Hoff, Ursula: These three recent acquisitions …, pp. 5–6; Thomson, G.: From the Middle Ages until the Restoration …, pp. 3–4; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 7, no. 4

Thomson, G.: Gallery activities, pp. 1–5; Thomson, G.: Cabinet of drawers …, p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Museum include …, p. 7.


vol. 8, no. 1

Fitts, Clive: The National Gallery Society, pp. 1–7.

vol. 8, no. 2

Hoff, Ursula: The Counts Czartoryski of Cracow …, pp. 1–2; Lindsay, Joan: Two contemporary works recently acquired …, pp. 5–6; Philipp, Franz: In 1952 Mr. Tomas Harris of London …, pp. 3–4; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 8, no. 3

Ebbott, Rex: The Glass collection, pp. 3–4; Lindsay, Daryl: Murdoch Gallery, pp. 1–2; Thomson, Gordon: It is perhaps unusual …, pp. 5–6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 8, no. 4

Hoff, Ursula: A recent acquisition, through the Felton Bequest, p. 4; Shore, Arnold: Three painters of the French School …, pp. 5–6; Trendall, Arthur Dale: Classical sculpture in the National Gallery, pp. 1–3; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.


vol. 9, no. 1

Hoff, Ursula: In the early nineties of the last century …, pp. 5–6; Philipp, Franz: From Arthur Boyd’s recent exhibition, pp. 3–4; Shore, Arnold: Each of these recently purchased watercolour paintings …, pp. 1–2; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 9, no. 2

Hoff, Ursula: The Group of recently acquired paintings …, pp. 5–6; Lindsay, Daryl: Period rooms …, pp. 3–4; Lindsay, Joan: It is now thirty-eight years since the death of Frederick McCubbin …, pp. 1–2; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 9, no. 3

Gannan, G. A.: Ben Marshall (1767–1835) the painter of the latest addition …, p. 5; Hoff, Ursula: The recently acquired plaque of Christ …, pp. 1–2; Hoff, Ursula: The landscape with a group of trees …, pp. 3–4; Lindsay, Daryl: Sir Russell Grimwade 1879–1955, p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 9, no. 4

Lindsay, Daryl: Drawings in the Print Room, pp. 5–6; Saunders, David: At least three of the four Scandinavian countries …, pp. 3–4; Shore, Arnold: One of the young French artists …, pp. 1–2; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include … Recent acquisitions to the Art Museum include …, p. 7.


vol. 10, no. 1

Burke, Joseph: There is one episode …, pp. 3–5; McDonnell, John: It is strangely difficult …, pp. 5–6; Medley, J. D. G.: Daryl Lindsay, director of the National Gallery of Victoria, 1942–1955, pp. 1–2; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 10, no. 2

Docking, Gilbert: Among the extension services of the National Gallery of Victoria …, pp. 5–6; Shore, Arnold: Picasso certainly did not linger …, p. 6; Westbrook, Eric: Paintings by Walter Richard Sickert in the National Gallery collection, pp. 1–4; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 10, no. 3

Hoff, Ursula: The acquisition through the Felton Bequest …, pp. 1–2; Westbrook, Eric: It is probable that the names of three English artists …, pp. 3–6; Unknown: Generous donations to the National Gallery and Art Museum include …, p. 7.

vol. 10, no. 4

Cox, Leonard: During 1956, through the Felton Bequest …, pp. 5–6; Cox, Leonard: Recent acquisitions to the Art Museum include …, p. 7; Trendall, Arthur Dale: Two Greek vases, pp. 1–4.


vol. 11, no. 1

Hoff, Ursula: By their decision to lend …, pp. 1–2; Westbrook, Eric: Pupil and teacher: some works by Frances Hodgkins and G. P. Nerli in Melbourne, pp. 3–5; Westbrook, Eric: Joseph Herman …, p. 6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 11, no. 2

Hoff, Ursula: From about 1927 onwards …, pp. 5–6; Massola, Aldo: The National Gallery has recently acquired …, pp. 3–4; Philipp, Franz: In 1927 the Felton Bequest acquired …, pp. 1–3; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery and Art Museum include …, p. 7.

vol. 11, no. 3

Trendall, Arthur Dale: Two new Greek vases, pp. 1–6; Unknown: Generous donations to the National Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 11, no. 4

Cox, Leonard B.: Two Japanese Buddhist figures of the Kamakura period, pp. 1–3, Hoff, Ursula: The bi-centenary of William Blake 1857–1957, pp. 4–6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.



vol. 12, no. 1

Hoff, Ursula: Recent acquisitions to the Print Room …, pp. 1–4; Hoff, Ursula: Two valuable prints, pp. 5–6; Unknown: Recent acquisitions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 12, no. 2

Hoff, Ursula: A pupil of Giulio Campagnola …, p. 4; Lawrance, David: The Silver collection redisplayed, pp. 5–6; Westbrook, Eric: Two watercolours by David Jones, pp. 1–3; Unknown: Recent additions to the Art Museum include …, p. 7.

vol. 12, no. 3

Shore, Arnold: Recent acquisitions of modern Australian paintings pp. 1–6; Unknown: Recent additions to the Art Gallery include …, p. 7.

vol. 12, no. 4

Westbrook, Eric: This is the last number of the Quarterly Bulletin …, p. 1; Unknown: Recent additions to the National Gallery include …, p. 7.

Annual Bulletin of the National Gallery of Victoria



no. 1                     

Arslan, Edoardo: A portrait of Jacopo Bassano in the Melbourne Gallery, pp. 20–21; Finemore, Brian: Three self-portraits by J. Bratby, p. 25; Hoff, Ursula: The Thomas D. Barlow collection of Dürer’s engravings and woodcuts, pp. 14–19; Lawrance, David: A dish and posset pot of Staffordshire slipware, pp. 26–27; Sinclair, K. V.: The miniaturists of the Livy manuscript in the National Gallery collection, pp. 7–13; Westbrook, Eric: Two drawings by Wyndham Lewis, 1884–1957, pp. 22–24; Westbrook, Eric: Introduction, pp. 3–6; Unknown: Recent additions to the Art Gallery include …, pp. 28–29.


no. 2

Burke, Joseph: Romney’s Leigh Family (1768): a link between the conversation piece and the Neo-classical portrait group, pp. 5–14; Hoff, Ursula: Rachel de Ruvigny, Countess of Southampton, by Sir Anthony van Dyck, pp. 1–4; Hoff, Ursula: Portraits acquired under the Everard Studley Miller Bequest, pp. 15–20; Thomas, Daniel: Pre-Raphaelite works in the collection, pp. 21–7; Unknown: Three eighteenth-century wine glasses, pp. 28–9; Unknown: Recent additions to the Art Gallery include …, pp. 30–1.


no. 3

Ch’en, Chih-Mai: Shen Chou, pp. 9–13; Cox, Leonard B.: A signed and dated Japanese screen by Hagetsu Tōsatsu, pp. 14–16; Finemore, Brian: Charles Blackman, Australian painter, pp. 23–5; Plomley, N. J. B.: Pictures of Tasmanian Aborigines by Robert Dowling, pp. 17–22; Trendall, Arthur Dale: Recent additions to the Greek vase collection, pp. 1–8; Unknown: Recent additions to the National Gallery and Art Museum include …, pp. 26–8.


no. 4                     

Culican, William: Bronzes of ancient Iran, pp. 1–8; Hood, Kenneth: Three examples of furniture, pp. 20–2; Kennedy, John: Luigi Boccherini: 1743–1805, pp. 16–19; Preston, Harley: A new drawing by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, pp. 9–15; Unknown: Recent additions to the National Gallery include …, pp. 23–6; Unknown: Generous presentations to the National Gallery and Art Museum include …, pp. 27–9.


no. 5

Cox, Leonard B.: Obituary: Sir John Medley, p. 36; Culican, William: Early masterpieces of Iranian pottery, pp. 1–5; Hoff, Ursula: A new double portrait by Rigaud, pp. 11–14; Hoff, Ursula: Recent additions to the National Gallery include …, pp. 27–30; Preston, Harley: Some recent acquisitions under the terms of the Everard Studley Miller Bequest, pp. 21–6; Preston, Harley: Generous presentations to the National Gallery and Art Museum include …, pp. 31–3; Thomson, G.: A porcelain pouring-bowl of the Yüan dynasty, pp. 6–10; Westbrook, Eric: Some acquisitions of recent British sculpture, pp. 15–20.



no. 6

Barrett, Douglas: Four Hoysala sculptures, pp. 8–10; Cox, Leonard B.: Obituary, A. J. L. McDonnell, p. 1; Finemore, Brian: The Australian collection: some recent accessions of contemporary painting, pp. 22–6; Hoff, Ursula: A. J. L. McDonnell as adviser to the Felton Bequest and its purchasing policy during the post-war period, pp. 2–7; Hoff, Ursula: Recent additions to the National Gallery include …, pp. 27–8; Preston, Harley: Two portraits by Pompeo Batoni, pp. 11–19; Westbrook, Eric: Two additions to the collection of British sculpture, pp. 20–1; Unknown: Generous presentations to the National Gallery and Art Museum include …, pp. 29–30.


no. 7

Brack, John: Wyndham Lewis, The inferno, pp. 12–17; Culican, William: An icon of Saint Nicholas, pp. 7–11; Haughton, James, J.: News from the National Gallery Society, p. 26; Hoff, Ursula: Recent additions to the National Gallery and Art Museum, pp. 26–31; Philipp, Franz: An afterthought to Blake’s Antaeus, pp. 24–5; Trendall, Arthur Dale: A Sicilian neck-amphora, pp. 1–6; Westbrook, Eric: Two paintings by Michael Andrews, pp. 18–23.


no. 8

Culican, William: A head of the Gudea period, pp. 9–15; Hoff, Ursula: Two Rococo drawings by Boucher in the Print Room collection, pp. 16–25; Hoff, Ursula: Recent additions to the National Gallery and Art Museum …, pp. 27–33; Ryan, Patrick: News from the National Gallery Society: Colour film The making of a Gallery, p. 26; Trendall, Arthur Dale: Two new South Italian vases, p. 1–8.

Art Bulletin of Victoria


no. 9

Ebbott, Rex: Dutch seventeenth-century glasses, pp. 35–6; Finemore, Brian: Some recent accessions in Australian painting, pp. 27–34; Hoff, Ursula: Recent additions to the National Gallery and Art Museum, pp. 38–44; Hoff, Ursula and Eric Westbrook: Foreword, pp. 3–5; McEvey, Allan: John Gould’s ability in drawing birds, pp. 13–24; Mollison, James: A short history of the Ballarat Art Gallery, pp. 25–6; Smith, Bernard: The Melbourne Géricault, pp. 4–12; Wilkinson, Ann: News from the National Gallery Society, p. 37.


no. 10                   

Annois, Richard: The Art Gallery of Geelong, pp. 44–5; Bolton, W. B.: The Neptune Scott Bequest at the Bendigo Art Gallery, p. 43; Foster, Gilbert: The Art Gallery at Castlemaine – quest for a Conder, pp. 39–40; Harpur, Royston: Victor Vasarely, pp. 35–8; Hoff, Ursula: Recent acquisitions and donations, pp. 48–59; Hood, Kenneth: Monument to Balzac by Rodin, pp. 24–6; McCullough, Tom: The Mildura Arts Centre – a Degas pastel, pp. 40–2; Siney, George: News from the National Gallery Society, pp. 46–7; Smith, Bernard: The Melbourne Géricault, II, pp. 16–23; Walker, Murray: Jean Louis Forain (1852–1931): a re-assessment, pp. 27–34; Westbrook, Eric: The machinery of the Gallery, pp. 3–9; Woodall, Mary: An unknown version of Mattia Preti’s Sofonisba, pp. 10–15.



no. 11

Ashworth, John S.: Hamilton Art Gallery: Some continental porcelain, pp. 32–3; Brooke, David: An interesting story by James Tissot, pp. 22–9; Connor, Peter: A portrait of Septimius Severus, pp. 8–13; Cox, Leonard B.: The machinery of the Gallery II, its trustees and their dilemma, p. 4–7; Draffin, Nicholas: Francis Seymour Haden: surgeon, collector and etcher, pp. 14–21; Hoff, Ursula: Foreword / Editorial, pp. 2–3; Hood, Kenneth: Recent additions to the National Gallery collection, pp. 41–57; McCullough, Thomas G.: Mildura Arts Centre: Mike Kitching’s Phoenix II, pp. 34–6; McNicoll, R. R.: News from the National Gallery Society, p. 40; Reddin, Colette: Impressions of a voluntary guide at Melbourne’s National Gallery, pp. 37–9; Ritchie, William: The Ballarat Fine Art Gallery: Percy Lindsay’s Creswick, p. 30; Sinclair, Beth: The Castlemaine Art Gallery: John Peter Russell’s Tail end of a great south-westerly storm, p. 31.


no. 12

Annois, Richard: Geelong Art Gallery: Paul Partos, John Davis, p. 28; Hoff, Ursula: Tobit burying the dead: a newly acquired drawing by G. B. Castiglione (1611? – 1655?), pp. 19–20; Hoff, Ursula: In memory of Franz Philipp, p. 30; Hoff, Ursula: Bendigo Art Gallery: A. Louis Buvelot, p. 26; MacKean, Margaret: Ballarat Art Gallery: Roy de Maistre, p. 25; McNicoll, R. R.: News from the National Gallery Society, p. 29; Sinclair, Beth: Castlemaine Art Gallery: Fred Williams, p. 27; Trendall, Arthur Dale: Additions to the Greek vase collection in 1969, pp. 1–10; Wittkower, Rudolf: Two bronzes by Bernini in the National Gallery, pp. 11–18; Zdanowicz, Irena: Australian silversmith work: Ernest Leviny: his Inkstand and Presentation cup, pp. 21–4; Unknown: Recent acquisitions – Felton Bequest and purchases, pp. 31–7; Unknown: Recent acquisitions – Generous presentations to the collections, pp. 38–40.


no. 13

Connor, Peter: Flavian flesh and shadow: a portrait of Vespasian, pp. 17–24; Culican, William: An iron dagger from Iran, pp. 9–12; Gray, Basil: Wall paintings of the Sui T’ang dynasties at Ch’ien Fo-Tung, Tun-Huan, pp. 30–5; Harden, D. B.: Two core-built glasses of the classical period, pp. 13–16; Hoff, Ursula: A tapestry from a painting by Simon Vouet, pp. 25–9; Lui, Wei-ping: The creative spirit of Chinese painting, pp. 36–41; McCarthy, Frances: Geelong Art Gallery: Bush burial by Frederick McCubbin, p. 44; McNicoll, R. R.: News from the National Gallery Society, p. 45; Sinclair, Beth: Castlemaine Art Gallery: a Roy de Maistre, p. 43; Westbrook, Eric: Pierre Bonnard, a new departure in major exhibitions, pp. 4–8; Unknown: Recent acquisitions 1: bequests and purchases, pp. 46–54; Unknown: Recent acquisitions 2: generous presentations to the collections, pp. 55–8.


no. 14

Banfield, Audrey: Benalla Art Gallery: Les Kossatz, p. 36; Culican, William: Silk and chevaliers (a Persian textile of the 10th century A.D.), pp. 14–23; Hoff, Ursula: Editorial, p. 4–5; Lane, Terence: Gum-nut Art Nouveau: A suite of furniture by Robert Prenzel, p. 24–34; McNicoll, R. R.: News from the National Gallery Society, p. 42; McCarthy, Frances: Bendigo Art Gallery: Rupert Bunny, p. 37; Rogers, Keith: Shepparton Art Gallery The old road by Arthur Streeton, p. 41; Rumley, Katrina: Geelong Art Gallery: Ken Leveson pottery, p. 40; Sinclair, Beth: Castlemaine Art Gallery: history of the gallery, pp. 38–9; Trendall, Arthur Dale: Additions to the Greek Vase collection 1971–72: Attic white-ground lekythos; Gnathian squat lekythos, pp. 6–12; Zdanowicz, Irena: Hamilton Art Gallery: seventeenth-century German silver, pp. 44–7; Unknown: Recent acquisitions 1: Bequests and purchases, pp. 48–53; Unknown: Recent acquisitions 2: Generous presentations to the collections, pp. 54–60.



no. 15

Anderson, Jaynie: The subject of a drawing by Giambattista Tiepolo reconsidered, pp. 15–19; Culican, William: Acquisitions from Egypt and Syria, pp. 20–6; Maddock, Bea: Decoy: a lithograph by Jasper Johns, pp. 42–3; Manion, Margaret: ‘Things both new and old’ in a Flemish triptych, pp. 3–13; Merry, D. H.: Report from the National Gallery of Victoria Art Gallery Society, p. 54; Phipps, Jennifer: The G. Gordon Russell glass collection, pp. 35–41; Plant, Margaret: Melbourne printmakers, pp. 27–34; Unknown: Some recent acquisitions, pp. 44–60; Unknown: Acquisitions lists 1972–3: bequests and purchases, pp. 55–60.


no. 16

Boddington, Jennie: J. W. Lindt, photographer (1845–1926), pp. 23–7; Butlin, Martin: A newly-discovered masterpiece by J. M. W. Turner, pp. 2–10; Clark, Rowena: The Anne Schofield costume collection, pp. 35–7; Dixon, Annette: Videotapes from New York, pp. 31–4; Hoff, Ursula: Rembrandt’s shell – Conus marmoreus L., pp. 16–19; Merry, D. H.: The National Gallery Society of Victoria, p. 38; Pang, Mae Anna: Two paintings by Huang Pin-Hung, pp. 28–30; Trendall, Arthur Dale: A Campanian phlyax vase, pp. 11–15; Zdanowicz, Irena: A monotype by Degas: Madame Cardinal scolding an admirer, pp. 20–2; Unknown: Acquisitions, pp. 39–50.


no. 17

Burke, Joseph: A tribute to Brian Finemore, p. 3; Devapriam, Emma: Mahakali, pp. 46–8; Galbally, Ann: Amitie: Russell and Van Gogh, pp. 29–37; Hoff, Ursula: Three newly acquired symbolist graphics by Ensor, Aman-Jean and Munch, pp. 20–8; Lane, Terence: A pedestal by Robert Prenzel, pp. 49–51; Mallet, J. V. G.: A maiolica plate signed F. R., pp. 4–19; McPhee, Ian: An Attic red-figured bell-krater, pp. 38–45; Merry, D. H.:
The National Gallery Society of Victoria, p. 58; Thwaites, Vivien: Two drawings by Giulio Romano, pp. 52–7; Unknown: National Gallery of Victoria, acquisitions, pp. 59–77.


no. 18

Boddington, Jennie: Paul Strand 1890 – 1976: milestone in photography, p. 33–9; Burke, Joseph: The Clavey family by Arthur Devis, pp. 20–4; Devapriam, Emma: Baghavata Purana illustrations from a 19th-century Deccani School, pp. 40–5; Edwards, Geoffrey: Porcelains by Rogers, Poncelet and Fournier, pp. 46–52; Gaston, Robert W.: A drawing by Battista Franco and its Venetian context, pp. 25–32; Manion, Margaret: The 13th-century Psalter-Offices of Joffroy d’Aspremont, pp. 3–19; Merry, D. H.: The National Gallery Society of Victoria, p. 56; Phipps, Jennifer: Portrait of Maria Elizabeth O’Mullane and her children c.1852, pp. 53–5; Unknown: National Gallery of Victoria, acquisitions, pp. 57–73.


no. 19

Astbury, Leigh: Tom Roberts’s Shearing the rams: The hidden tradition, pp. 68–73; Buscombe, Eve: A discussion about Augustus Earle and some of his portraits, pp. 46–59; Connor, Peter: Ymage d’alabastre: a medieval sculpture of Saint John the Baptist, pp. 60–7; Edwards, Geoffrey: Figure – Lalage, pp. 74–7; Gaston, Robert W.: Prospero Fontana’s Holy Family with Saints, pp. 28–45; Heckes, Frank I.: Goya’s Caprichos, pp. 12–27; Lynch, Marjory J.: The National Gallery Society of Victoria, p. 76; Trendall, Arthur Dale: Three recently-acquired Greek vases, pp. 2–11; Unknown: National Gallery of Victoria, acquisitions, pp. 78–88.


no. 20

Boddington, Jennie: Fred Kruger (1831–88), pp. 51–7; Feldman, William S.: Jules Bastien-Lepage: a new perspective, pp. 3–10; Holloway, Memory Jockisch: Vordemberge-Gildewart and Hanover Constructivism, pp. 11–20; Lynch, Marjory J.: The National Gallery Society of Victoria, p. 58; Pang, Mae Anna Quan: The date of a rare blue-and-white wine jar in the Chinese collection, pp. 21–44; Zdanowicz, Irena: A note on Salvator Rosa’s study for The death of Empedocles, pp. 45–50; Unknown: National Gallery of Victoria, acquisitions, pp. 59–73.


no. 21

Lane, Terence: The development of the collections of decorative arts in the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 37–43; Moran, Gordon: The original provenance of the predella panel by Stefano di Giovanni (Sassetta) in the National Gallery of Victoria – a hypothesis, pp. 33–6; Trendall, Arthur Dale and Ian McPhee: Recent additions to the collection of Greek vases, pp. 4–32; Unknown: National Gallery of Victoria, acquisitions, pp. 45–63; Unknown: The National Gallery Society of Victoria,  p. 44.


no. 22

Guy, John: Mughal painting under Akbar. The Melbourne Hamza-nama and Akbar-nama paintings, pp. 25–41; Holloway, Memory: Eroticism, myth and the bullfight: Picasso’s Femme torero l and Corrida, pp. 42–51; O’Brien, Cecilia: A Florentine book of hours in the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 52–62; Plant, Margaret: The encounter of Baldessin and Tillers on an etching plate According to des Esseintes, 1976, pp. 12–24; Tomory, Peter: Cleopatra, pearls and extravagance: Tiepolo’s Banquet of Cleopatra, pp. 4–11; Unknown: The changing face of the Gallery Society, p. 63; Unknown: National Gallery of Victoria, acquisitions, pp. 64–74.


no. 23

Clark, Jane and Patrick McCaughey: Love among the ruins – two pastorals by François Boucher, pp. 5–12; Dixon, Annette: Jean Dubuffet – Arabe au burnous, pp. 51–5; Holloway, Memory: Mark Rothko’s Untitled (red): colour and the experience of the sublime, pp. 13–18; Hood, Ronald G.: A new Greek vase of c.700 B.C., pp. 38–50; Phipps, Jennifer: Home again by Frederick McCubbin, pp. 59–61; Plant, Margaret: Tribute to Fred Williams: National Gallery of Victoria, 12 May 1982, pp. 62–4; Ward, Roger: Observations on the red chalk figure Studies of Baccio Bandinelli: two examples at Melbourne, pp. 19–37; Zdanowicz, Irena: Claude Lorrain’s A wooded landscape, pp. 56–8.


no. 24

Boddington, Jennie: Architecture and photography, pp. 72–7; Edwards, Geoffrey: Sunflower by Jacob Epstein, pp. 63–6; Guy, John: A Kushan Bodhisattva and early Indian sculpture, pp. 33–46; Haese, Richard: The lost Wimmera years of Sidney Nolan 1942–44, pp. 5–19; Hope, Colin A.: A head of Nefertiti and a figure of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris in the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 47–62; O’Callaghan, Judith: Ragnar Hansen and Hendrik Forster: two recent acquisitions in contemporary Australian silver, pp. 67–71; Ryan, Judith: The ‘haunting subhuman monstrosities’ of ancient Nayarit: a critical reassessment, pp. 20–32.



no. 25

Devapriam, Emma: Bacino di S. Marco: from the Piazzetta, pp. 33–40; Devapriam, Emma: The iconography of the Antwerp altarpiece, pp. 62–8; Lloyd, Christopher: The market scenes of Camille Pissarro, pp. 16–32; Pang, Mae Anna: Zhu Da, the mad monk painter, pp. 41–61; Von Winning, Hasso: Paraphernalia for the ceremonial ball game in ancient Mexico, pp. 4–15.


no. 26

Devapriam, Emma: The Synnot children by Joseph Wright of Derby, pp. 15–21; Edwards, Geoffrey: Acquisitions of contemporary Australian sculpture, pp. 41–50; Hoorn, Jeanette: Joseph Lycett: the pastoral landscape in early colonial Australia, p. 4–14; McCaughey, Patrick, Judith Ryan and Rowena Clark: The Great Hall tapestry, pp. 51–3; Minchin, Jan: The violent vision of the 1940s, pp. 25–40; O’Callaghan, Judith: The Flemington Cup, pp. 22–4.


no. 27

Cooper, Robyn: Arthur Hughes’s La belle dame sans merci and the femme fatale, pp. 6–25; Gott, Ted: Redon, Mellerio, Mantegna and the Melbourne Pegasus, pp. 36–65; McCaughey, Patrick: A witness to Guernica: Picasso’s Weeping woman, pp. 74–9; Tomory, Peter: Henry Fuseli’s Milton when a youth, pp. 26–35; Von Winning, Hasso: A monkey effigy jar from ancient Mexico, pp. 66–73.


no. 28

Brack, John: Balthus, Nude with a cat, pp. 72–7; Dean, Sonia: Editorial, pp. 6–7; Draffin, Nicholas: An enthusiastic amateur of the arts: Eliezer Levi Montefiore in Melbourne 1853–71, pp. 92–108; Heckscher, William S.: Ist Das Alles?, pp. 9–15; Manion, Margaret: Illuminating words, pp. 16–33; Mollison, James: A personal tribute, p. 131; Plant, Margaret: The lost art of Federation: Australia’s quest for modernism, p. 110–29; Preston, Harley: The harem – painting behind the scenes, pp. 79–90; Simons, Patricia: A profile portrait of a Renaissance woman in the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 34–52; Topsfield, Andrew: Udaipur paintings of the Raslila, pp. 54–70; Unknown: Bibliography: publications by Ursula Hoff, pp. 132–4.



no. 29

Crombie, Isobel: A documentary impulse: Australian photographer Geoffrey Collings, pp. 38–51; Davidson, James A.: Mathaman: warrior, artist, songman, pp. 4–23; Hoff, Ursula: Obituary: Dr Mary Woodall 1901–1988, pp. 61–3; Pullin, Ruth: Guercino’s Two studies for Ahasuerus, pp. 52–60; Zdanowicz, Irena: Selected affinities: Fred Williams’s Drawings after Rembrandt, pp. 24–37.



no. 30

Bentley, Gerald Jr.: The shadow of Los: embossing in Blake’s Book of Urizen, pp. 18–23; Clemente, Caroline: Artists in society: a Melbourne circle, 1850s–1880s, pp. 40–57; Crombie, Isobel: Portrait of a painter: a photograph of Conrad Martens by Freeman Brothers Studio, 1856, pp. 36–9; Lee, Mary Alice: An Australian student of Frank Brangwyn: Jessie C. A. Traill in London and Belgium, 1907–1908, pp. 58–71; Ryan, Judith: A bold aesthetic: the Lajamanu panels, pp. 72–95; Tolley, Michael J.: William à Beckett’s copy of Young’s Night thoughts, pp. 24–35; Vander Auwera, Joost: Sebastiaen Vrancx’s Crossing of the Red Sea, pp. 4–17.



no. 31

Devapriam, Emma: The interior of St Janskerk at Gouda by Hendrick Cornelisz van der Vliet, pp. 40–3; Essick, Robert N.: William Blake’s Jerusalem, plate 51, pp. 20–5; Hoff, Ursula: Variation, transformation and interpretation: Watteau and Lucian Freud, pp. 26–31; Maddock, Bea: The making of a trilogy, pp. 44–51; Pang, Mae Anna: Lu Ji’s Birds in a winter landscape, pp. 32–9; Périer-d’Ieteren, Catheline: Contributions to the study of the Triptych with the Miracles of Christ: The Marriage at Cana, pp. 2–19.


no. 32

Crombie, Isobel: Australia Felix: Douglas T. Kilburn’s daguerreotype of Victorian Aborigines, 1847, pp. 21–31; Inglis, Alison and Cecilia O’Brien: The breaking of the web: William Holman Hunt’s two early versions of  The lady of Shalott, pp. 32–50; McDonald, Mark P.: The graphic context of Jusepe de Ribera’s The poet, pp. 51–8; Nunn, Pamela Gerrish: Look homeward angel: Marshall Claxton’s emigrant, pp. 1–20; Payne, John: Veronese and friends: a technical examination of Nobleman between active and contemplative life, pp. 59–69.


no. 33

Bennett, James: Narrative and decoration in Tiwi painting: Tiwi representations of the Purukuparli story, pp. 39–47; Lane, Terence: A souvenir of Marvellous Melbourne: W. H. Rocke’s 1880–81 Exhibition cabinet, pp. 18–28; Payne, John: Tintoretto’s Doge Pietro Loredano at the National Gallery of Victoria: The earlier version?, pp. 57–61; Sturgess, Nancy: Rembrandt by himself: a brief history of the Melbourne portrait of Rembrandt by an unknown artist, pp. 48–56; Whitelaw, Bridget, John Payne and Gillian Leahy: The art of Frederick McCubbin: A view of his materials and technique, pp. 29–38; Zdanowicz, Irena: Prints of fortune: Hubert Herkomer’s 1891–92 etching purchases for the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 1–17.


no. 34

Gray, Pamela Clelland: A pioneer of Australian picture framing: an introduction to the work of Lillie Williamson, pp. 48–58; Manion, Margaret, Lyndsay Knowles and John Payne: The Aspremont Psalter-Hours: The making of a manuscript, pp. 25–34; Pang, Mae Anna: Japanese woodblock prints: A mass medium, pp. 35–47; Périer-d’Ieteren, Catheline: Contributions to the study of the Melbourne triptych. II: The miracle of the loaves and fishes, The Raising of Lazarus, The Rest on the Flight to Egypt and St Peter, pp. 5–24.


no. 35

Hass, Angela: Albrecht Dürer’s devotional images of the Virgin and Child, pp. 21–34; McIntyre, Paul: A surprising ‘discovery’ in the Hamilton Art Gallery: a rare early drawing by Richard Parkes Bonington, pp. 45–8; Paffen, Paul: Everard Studley Miller and his bequest to the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 35–44; Payne, John: Exploring a fifteenth-century garden: a restoration uncovers the past, pp. 7–20.



no. 36

Crombie, Isobel: Recent acquisitions: Félix Nadar: Alexandre Dumas père, pp. 68; Eichberger, Dagmar: Rediscovering Beneath the arena – a major work by Karl von Piloty at the Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, pp. 15–26; Hoff, Ursula: Obituary: Prof. A. D. Trendall, p. 61; Legge, Margaret: Recent acquisitions: Head covering of the mummy of Pedehorpasheriesi, p. 66; Legge, Margaret: Recent acquisitions: Saint Cloud porcelain manufactory: Pair of Chinese figures, p. 66; MacMahon, Laurelee: John Henry Connell: the man and his collection, pp. 51–60; Morgan, Helen: Thea Proctor in London 1910–11: her early involvement with fashion, pp. 27–36; Pang, Mae Anna: Recent acquisitions: Noble lady’s carriage and a flower cart, p. 67; Ryan, Judith: Recent acquisitions: Various Yolngu artists from Galiwin’ku, Fibre art, p. 64; Ryan, Judith: Various Yolngu artists from Yirrkala: Miny’tji Buku Larnggay (Paintings from the East), p. 64; Ryan, Judith: The raw and the cooked: the aesthetic principle in Aboriginal art, pp. 37–50; Smith, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: James Gleeson: The darkening stage, p. 63; Smith, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: Albert Tucker: Memory of Leonski, p. 62; Smith, Jason: Recent acquisitions: Louise Bourgeois: Cell (glass spheres and hands), p. 65; Watson, Michael: Zoffany as punster and prankster: some comments on his David with the head of Goliath, pp. 7–14.


no. 37

Crombie, Isobel: Private pleasures: an example of French photographic erotica, pp. 47–51; Dean, Sonia: Recent acquisitions: Jacob Jordaens: Mercury and Argus, p. 53; Edwards, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: Stephen Procter: The gatherer, p. 56; Edwards, Geoffrey: Strangeness and fantasy: notes on nineteenth-century Venetian glass at the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 37–46; Eichberger, Dagmar: A Renaissance reliquary collection in Halle, and its illustrated inventories, pp. 19–36; Galbally, Ann and Robyn Sloggett: John Peter Russell’s Dr Will Maloney, pp. 7–18; Leahy, Cathy: Recent acquisitions: Pablo Picasso: Portrait de jeune femme, d’après Cranach le Jeune, II, p. 52; Legge, Margaret: Recent acquisitions: Girl-in-a-Swing factory: Holy Family, p. 56; Ryan, Judith: Recent acquisitions: Kwementyay Kngwarreye: Big Yam Dreaming, pp. 54–5.


no. 38

Breda, Jacobus van: Rembrandt etchings on oriental papers: papers in the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 25–38; Gellatly, Kelly: Doug and Mike Starn’s Sol invictus, pp. 51–3; Gillman, Derek: The reception of Chinese Buddhist sculpture in the West, pp. 7–12; Lane, Terence: Recent acquisitions: William Kerr: The mayor’s cup, p. 59; Legge, Margaret: Recent acquisitions: Michael Powolny: Summer (from the set of The four seasons), p. 57; Lowe, Heather: The Robert Carl Sticht collection: a forgotten legacy, pp. 13–24; Middelkoop, Norbert: Flowery borrowings: notes on a Dutch still-life at the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 45–50; Pang, Mae Anna: Recent acquisitions: White-robed Guanyin in a landscape, p. 56; Potts, Timothy: Recent acquisitions: Figure of an athlete, p. 54; Ryan, Judith: Recent acquisitions: Tommy McRae: Ceremony; hunting possum and Ceremony; hunting emu, p. 60; Smith, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: John Perceval: Ocean Beach, Sorrento, p. 58; Smith, Jason: Recent acquisitions: Fiona Hall: Paradisus terrestris entitled, p. 61; Waters, Linda: Sérusier’s Boys on a river bank: a technical examination, p. 39–44; Zdanowicz, Irena: Recent acquisitions: Rembrandt van Rijn: Diana at the bath, p. 55.


no. 39

Bonollo, Michelle: From old world to new: English and Australian responses to Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema’s The vintage festival, pp. 23–34; Dean, Sonia: Recent acquisitions: important painting by twentieth-century French master Pierre Soulages, p. 63; Gillman, Derek: Recent acquisitions: Tang dynasty candlestick with human figure, p. 66; Grant, Kirsty: Recent acquisitions: Rare watercolour by Edward La Trobe Bateman, p. 65; Jones-O’Neill, Jennifer: George Romney’s sketchbook in the National Gallery of Victoria: The development of a new expressive vocabulary, pp. 45–52; Legge, Margaret: Recent acquisitions: Unique pair of Chantilly porcelain figures, p. 67; Smith, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: Major early landscape by Fred Williams, p. 64; Sturgess, Nancy: An introduction to the paintings and watercolours by Julian Rossi Ashton at the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 53–61; Waters, Linda: Horses bathing in the sea by Lucy Kemp-Welch (1869–1958): A close examination of Horses bathing in the sea, pp. 17–22; Watson, Michael: The owls of Athena: some comments on owl-skyphoi and their iconography, pp. 35–44; Wortley, Laura: Horses bathing in the sea by Lucy Kemp-Welch (1869–1958): The painting’s genesis, pp. 7–15.


no. 40

Bonollo, Michelle: J. W. Waterhouse’s Ulysses and the Sirens: breaking with tradition and revealing fears, pp. 19–30; Crombie, Isobel: The sorcerer’s machine: a photographic portrait by Douglas Kilburn, 1847, pp. 7–12; Grant, Kirsty: Recent acquisitions: early watercolour of an Australian subject, pp. 58–9; Klein, Peter: A note on dendrochronological analyses of panel paintings at the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 41–8; Pang, Mae Anna: Recent acquisitions: rare scroll painting from fourteenth-century China, p. 55; Payne, John: The resurrection of The Descent from the Cross: an early sixteenth-century Antwerp panel is brought out of storage, pp. 31–40; Piscioneri, Vincenzo J.: A seventeenth-century Anglo-Venetian vessel, with Dutch engraving, at the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 13–18; Ryan, Judith: Recent acquisitions: important drawing by William Barak, pp. 60–1; Smith, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: John Brack’s The block, pp. 56–7; Van Wyk, Susan: A Turreted Berg: an Antarctic photograph by Frank Hurley, pp. 49–54; William, Nicholas: Recent acquisitions: major large-scale etching by Lucian Freud, pp. 62–3.


no. 41

Adamson, Natalie: Pierre Soulages, the nouvelle École de Paris, and Painting 202 x 143 cm. 6 November 1967, pp. 29–36; Grant, Kirsty: Recent acquisitions: Fred Williams’s Pilbara series, pp. 56–7; Healy, Robyn: Recent acquisitions: three Cast dresses from Hussein Chalayan’s Ventriloquy collection, pp. 60–1; Inglis, Alison: ‘The heroine of all these scenes’: John Constable and the Rebow family in 1816, pp. 37–46; Kean, John: Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula: painting in a changing landscape, pp. 47–54; Lane, Terence: Recent acquisitions: Hugh Ramsay’s Jeanne, p. 55; Legge, Margaret: Recent acquisitions: a Minton ceramic by Christopher Dresser, p. 59; Marshall, David: A Bernini self-portrait?, pp. 8–18; Pang, Mae Anna: Transmission and transformation: the art of imitation in Wang Yuanqi’s Fuchun Mountains scroll, pp. 19–28; Smith, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: John Brack’s Self portrait, p. 58; Zdanowicz, Irena: Editorial, p. 7.


Art Bulletin of the National Gallery of Victoria


no. 42

Crombie, Isobel, Angeletta Leggio and Holly McGowan-Jackson: Framing Nicholas Caire: Fairy Scene at the Landslip, Black’s Spur c.1878, pp. 26–35; Goad, Philip: Enfilade and intrafilament: The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia at Federation Square, pp. 7–15; Grant, Kirsty: Thumbs up or thumbs down? The trials and tribulations of Norman Lindsay’s Pollice verso, pp. 36–45; Grant, Kirsty: Recent acquisitions: Joy Hester’s Man in cork hat, pp. 64–5; Healy, Robyn: Taboo or no. taboo: the fashions of Leigh Bowery, pp. 16–25; Rhodes, Kate: The camera is a dumb recording device: Robert Rooney and the serial photographs in retrospect, pp. 46–55; Ryan, Judith: Recent acquisitions: Tommy McRae’s Sketchbooks, pp. 56–9; Ryan, Judith: Recent acquisitions: Julie Gough’s Leeawuleena, pp. 66–7; Smith, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: Sidney Nolan’s Footballer, pp. 62–3; Smith, Geoffrey and Terence Lane: Recent acquisitions: Tom Roberts’s By the Treasury, pp. 60–1; Smith, Jason: Jan Nelson’s International behaviour, pp. 68–9.


no. 43

Benson, Laurie: Recent acquisitions: Eyre Crowe’s A sheep shearing match, pp. 114–15; Crombie, Isobel: The Madonna of the future: O. G. Rejlander and Sassoferrato, pp. 51–7; Gott, Ted: Fragile memories: Keith Haring and the Water Window Mural at the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 7–19; Green, Charles: Everything in its right place, pp. 102–9; Healy, Robin: Christian Dior dressing the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 94–101; Holland, Allison: The singularity of occasion: Soami and sixteenth-century Japanese display protocols, pp. 77–85; Kremler, Joylene: Imperial fashion victims in provincial Egypt : re-dating Egyptian mummy portraits, pp. 59–67; Lauze, Emma: A nabob’s return: the Pybus conversation piece by Nathaniel Dance, pp. 33–41; Menz, Christopher: Recent acquisitions: Minton’s Clock garniture, pp. 112–13; Menz, Christopher: Recent acquisitions: Leach and Hamada: Bequest of Kenneth Hood, pp. 118–21; Miller, Mary and Simon Martin: The lord of the jaguar-pelt throne vase, pp. 69–75; Pang, Mae Anna: Zen on life: spirituality in the art of Kim Hoa Tram, pp. 86–93; Payne, John and Carl Villis: Finding light in the shadows: the cleaning and restoration of Tiepolo’s Banquet of Cleopatra, pp. 21–31; Rhodes, Kate: Recent acquisitions: Angela de la Cruz’s Loose fit (blue), pp. 126–7; Ryan, Judith: Recent acquisitions: Sabi mask, pp. 116–17; Ryan, Judith: Recent acquisitions: Tam tam slit-drum, pp. 122–3; Van Wyk, Susan: Recent acquisitions: Malerie Marder, Untitled, pp. 124–5; Vaughan, Gerard: Sassoferrato at the National Gallery of Victoria, pp. 43–9; Zagala, Maria: Recent acquisitions: Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s View of Piazza di Monte Cavallo, pp. 110–11; Unknown: Selected international acquisitions 1999–2003, pp. 128–33.



no. 44                   

Adamson, Natalie: The last big artist in Paris: Bernard Buffet, pp. 56–69; Brown, Fiona: Phantasy and myth: Parmigianino’s Huntsman drawing, pp. 46–55; Gough, Julie: Recent acquisitions: Lola Greeno’s Purmaner, pp. 94–5; Grimwade, Andrew: A symbolic centenary sculpture, pp. viii–xiii; Hickey, Gary: The old man, Mount Fuji and the sea, pp. 34–45; Hinderliter, Beth: The multiple worlds of Cindy Sherman’s History portraits, pp. 26–33; Inglis, Alison and John Poynter: Desirable things: the private collection of Alfred Felton, pp. 1–15; Menz, Christopher: Recent acquisitions: Elizabeth Fritsch’s Optical vase, pp. 86–7; Pang, Mae Anna: Recent acquisitions: Nakahara Nantenbo’s The stick of Nantenbo (Nanten staff), pp. 82–3; Rhodes, Kate: Recent acquisitions: Patricia Piccinini’s Desert rider, mountain, pp. 90–1; Ryan, Judith: The quick and the dead: purchasing Indigenous art 1988–1990, pp. 70–81; Smith, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: Albert Tucker’s City, pp. 84–5; Smith, Jason: Recent acquisitions: Lee Bul’s Untitled, pp. 92–3; Tzamouranis, Peter: Buying for the future: Mary Woodall and Italian old master paintings, pp. 16–25; Vaughan, Gerard: Foreword, p. vii; Whitfield, Danielle: Recent acquisitions: Studibaker Hawk’s Empress, pp. 88–9; Unknown: Recent acquisitions continued, pp. 96–9.


no. 45

Cains, Carol: Recent acquisitions: Svayambhu linga, pp. 52–3; Crombie, Isobel: Recent acquisitions: Bill Henson’s Untitled, pp. 60–1; Devery, Jane: Recent acquisitions: Peter Kennedy’s One long catastrophe, pp. 64–5; Gott, Ted: Stowed away: Emmanuel Frémiet’s Gorilla carrying off a woman, pp. 6–17; Leahy, Cathy: Recent acquisitions: Jasper Johns’s Two maps I, pp. 56–7; Leong, Roger: Recent acquisitions: Rei Kawakubo’s Dress, pp. 58–9; Lydon, Jane: Australian idyll: domesticating the Victorian landscape, pp. 18–25; Marshall, David R.: Revisiting Canaletto and Panini at Farnborough Hall, pp. 26–35; Pang, Mae Anna: Obituary: Emma Devapriam 1933–2005, p. 73; Phipps, Jennifer: A human, democratic art: three realist artists, 1944–1947, pp. 36–43; Ryan, Judith: Recent acquisitions: La-sisi malagan canoe, pp. 62–3; Smith, Geoffrey: Recent acquisitions: Charles Blackman’s Feet beneath the table, pp. 54–5; White, Anthony: No form can be spatial: the origins of Lucio Fontana’s Spatial concept, pp. 44–51; Zdanowicz, Irena: Obituary: Ursula Hoff, AO, OBE, 1909–2005, pp. 68–71; Zdanowicz, Irena: Obituary: Bridget Whitelaw 1950–2004, pp. 71–2; Unknown: Recent acquisitions continued, pp. 66–7.


no. 46

Balai, Sana: Recent acquisitions: John Kasaipwalova’s Sail the midnight sun, pp. 50–1; Devery, Jane: Recent acquisitions: Ricky Swallow’s Salad days, pp. 56–7; Di Trocchio, Paola: Recent acquisitions: John Galliano’s Elvira evening dress, pp. 60–1; Gott, Ted: Recent acquisitions: Edward Burne-Jones’s Portrait of Baronne Madeleine Deslandes, pp. 58–9; Hudson, Hugh: A knight in shining armour, a virgin: Uccello’s Melbourne Saint George and the dragon and Oxford Annunciation, pp. 6–15; Jackson, Heather: The Riddle of the Sphinx: an Attic red-figure lekythos, pp. 16–21; Lane, Terence: A life revealed: Emil Todt, a German sculptor in nineteenth-century Melbourne, pp. 28–35; Marshall, Christopher: Between beauty and power: Henry Moore’s Draped seated woman as an emblem of the National Gallery of Victoria’s modernity 1959–68, pp. 36–49; McPhee, Ian: A Paestan vase by Python: in memory of Dale Trendall, pp. 22–7; Pang, Mae Anna: Recent acquisitons: Wu Zhen’s Bamboo in spring rain, pp. 54–5; Perry, Peter: Obituary: Dr Eric Westbrook, CB, 1915–2005, pp. 66–9; Somerville, Katie: Recent acquisitions: Akira Isogawa’s Earring dress, pp. 52–3; Van Wyk, Susan: Recent acquisitions: Martin Parr’s Common sense, pp. 62–3; Unknown: Recent acquisitions continued, pp. 64–5.


no. 47

Benson, Laurie: Recent acquisitions: Jusepe de Ribera’s Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, pp. 56–7; Bunbury, Alisa: Recent acquisitions: Kiki Smith’s White mammals, pp. 64–5; Clegg, Humphrey: Recent acquisitions: Robert Dowling’s Masters George, William, and Miss Harriet Ware with the Aborigine Jamie Ware, pp. 58–9; Dunsmore, Amanda: Recent acquisitions: Carlo Bugatti’s Throne chair, pp. 60–1; Finch, Maggie: Recent acquisitions: Loretta Lux’s The drummer, pp. 62–3; Marshall, Jonathan: Embodied modernism: visual arts and the aesthetics of Roger Kemp and Rudolf Steiner, pp. 24–35; Matthiesson, Sophie: Recent acquisitions: Paris Bordone’s Rest on the Flight into Egypt, pp. 54–5; Pang, Mae Anna: An orthodox master and an individualist: Wang Yuanqi and Daoji, pp. 36–45; Spilia, Elina: Shark People: Djapu painting and the Miny’tji Buku Larrngay collection, pp. 6–15; Varcoe-Cocks, Michael: A brush with fidelity: three works by Eugène von Guérard, pp. 16–23; White, Anthony: Paysages de mer: Courbet’s The wave, pp. 46–53; Unknown: Recent Acquisitions continued, pp. 66–9.


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Baker, Alex: Recent acquisitions: Ron Mueck’s Two women, pp. 100–1; Baker, Alex: Recent acquisitions: Bill Viola’s Ocean without a shore, pp. 106–7; Clegg, Humphrey and Stephen Gilchrist: Depictions of Aboriginal people in colonial Australian art: settler and unsettling narratives in the works of Robert Dowling, pp. 34–45; Di Trocchio, Paola: Recent acquisitions: Lanvin’s Dress and Necklace, pp. 110–11; Dunsmore, Amanda: Recent acquisitions: Carlo Bugatti’s Chair from the snail room, pp. 92–3; Finch, Maggie: Recent acquisitions: Boyd Webb’s Wakatipu, pp. 98–9; Gott, Ted: Military objectives: Some reflections on the forgotten Second World War artist Louis Duffy, pp. 22–3; Gott, Ted: Edgar Degas’s Portrait of a woman: a re-assessment, pp. 84–7; Gott, Ted: Recent acquisitions: Amèdèe Ozenfant’s Nature morte, pp. 94–5; Grant, Kirsty: Recent acquisitions: Margaret Preston’s Shoalhaven Gorge, New South Wales, pp. 96–7; Holland, Allison: Recent acquisitions: Dennis Nona’s Baidam-Shark constellation, pp. 102–3; Langton, Marcia: Brook Andrew: ethical portraits and ghost-scapes, pp. 46–61; Leahy, Cathy: Recent acquisitions: Maurice Denis’s Amour suite, pp. 90–1; Leong, Roger: Recent acquisitions: Balengiaga’s Sandals, pp. 104–5; Matthiesson, Sophie: Raising the flag of modernism: Ben Nicholson’s 1938, pp. 6–21; Pang, Mae Anna: Recent acquisitions: Japanese horse stable, pp. 88–9; Villis, Carl: Two new attributions: a Tocqué and a Bellotto in Melbourne, pp. 76–83; Whitfield, Danielle: Recent acquisitions: MaterialByProduct’s Outfit comprising couture excesses, pp. 108–9; Willis, Zoë: The Melbourne Finding of Moses: steps towards a new attribution, pp. 62–75.



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Baker, Alex: Recent acquisitions: Ian Burns’s Down under where …, pp. 78–9; Baker, Alex: Recent acquisitions: Manuel Ocampo’s A painting for a proposed sculpture for a monument to a crucified minimalist sculpture, pp. 80–1; Evans, Nicholas and Penelope Johnson: Bilda Miburiji Kurrij (seeing with far eyes): the root of Kaiadilt women’s art, pp. 54–63; Gaston, Vivien: A powerful appearance of life: Cornelis de Vos’s Mother and child, pp. 23–33; Holland, Allison: Edward Burne-Jones, Psyche and The earthly paradise, pp. 34–9; Holland, Allison: Recent acquisitions: Louise Bourgeois’s Paris Review, pp. 74–5; Jocic, Laura: Recent acquisitions: Gavin Brown’s Indian snakes and ladders outfit, pp. 70–1; Johnston, Ryan: In the void: Robert Klippel’s models of unreason, pp. 40–53; Leong, Roger: Recent acquisitions: Moschino’s Survival jacket and trousers, pp. 72–3; Martin, Matthew: Relics of another age: art history, the decorative arts and the museum, pp. 7–21; Martin, Matthew: Recent acquisitions: Josef Hoffman’s Vase, pp. 66–7; Pang, Mae Anna: Recent acquisitions: Tang silver bowl, pp. 64–5; Taylor, Elena: Recent acquisitions: Mary Cockburn Mercer’s Ballet, pp. 68–9; Van Wyk, Susan: Recent acquisitions: Thomas Struth’s Pergamon Museum IV, Berlin, pp. 76–7.