Bruno BENINI<br/>
<em>No title (Fashion illustration. Model Bambi Shmith, University of Melbourne)</em> 1957; (1998) {printed} <!-- (recto) --><br />

gelatin silver photograph<br />
58.3 x 48.0 cm (image) 60.7 x 50.4 cm (sheet)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, 1998<br />
1998.354<br />
© Hazel Benini



The work of photographer Bruno Benini

Il lavoro del fotografo Bruno Benini

Bruno Benini


NGV Italia is an ongoing series sharing stories of Italian art, design, culture and life from the NGV Collection.


NGV Italia is an ongoing series sharing stories of Italian art, design, culture and life from the NGV Collection.

Bruno Benini emigrated to Australia with his family in 1935 at the age of ten. He spent his formative years in Melbourne, and after an early career as an industrial chemist began photographing in 1950, when he was hired in Peter Fox’s studio. In the early years of his photographic career, Benini also worked as a model and was often used by Helmut Newton and Athol Shmith. His Italian training and travels to Europe in the early 1950s, along with the experience of working for some of Melbourne’s most sophisticated photographers, undoubtedly influenced his photography.

Bruno BENINI<br/>
<em>No title (Fashion illustration. Model Catherine Patchell, National Gallery of Victoria)</em> (1956); (1998) {printed} <!-- (recto) --><br />

gelatin silver photograph<br />
40.5 x 50.4 cm (composition) 44.0 x 52.6 cm (image) 50.9 x 61.1 cm (sheet)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, 1998<br />
1998.351<br />
&copy; Hazel Benini

Bruno BENINI<br/>
<em>Graeme Jones, Robyn Fong, Lucinda Wills model concept for gala, National Gallery of Victoria</em> (1972) <!-- (recto) --><br />

gelatin silver photograph<br />
36.0 x 27.7 cm irreg. (image) 40.4 x 30.5 cm (sheet)<br />
ed. 2/15<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased NGV Foundation, 2013<br />
2013.556<br />
&copy; Hazel Benini

Bruno BENINI<br/>
<em>No title (Fashion illustration. Model Janet Dawson, Eastern Markets, Melbourne)</em> 1957; (1998) {printed} <!-- (recto) --><br />

gelatin silver photograph<br />
58.2 x 48.0 cm (image) 60.8 x 50.6 cm (sheet)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, 1998<br />
1998.355<br />
&copy; Hazel Benini

Bruno BENINI<br/>
<em>No title (Fashion illustration. Model Susie Cuthbert)</em> 1966; (1998) {printed} <!-- (recto) --><br />

gelatin silver photograph<br />
53.5 x 50.3 cm (image) 61.0 x 61.0 cm (sheet)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, 1998<br />
1998.352<br />
&copy; Hazel Benini

Bruno BENINI<br/>
<em>No title (Fashion illustration. Models Vida Elekna, Lynn Richmond, Terry Taylor and Gay Vardi, Station Pier, Melbourne)</em> 1962; (1998) {printed} <!-- (recto) --><br />

gelatin silver photograph<br />
47.9 x 58.4 cm (image) 50.5 x 60.8 cm (sheet)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased, 1998<br />
1998.353<br />
&copy; Hazel Benini

Benini’s work is characterised by a cold elegance and a European ‘look’ that appealed to Collins Street couturiers, including Pat Rodgers of La Petite and Hall Ludlow. In 1957 Benini was commissioned by Hall Ludlow to photograph the garments in his collection. In a striking example, Fashion Illustration, Model Bambi Shmith, University of Melbourne, 1957, Benini uses the elegant modern architecture of the University of Melbourne as a backdrop to emphasise the thin line of this unusual dress trimmed with bows. The disdainful gaze of the famous model Bambi Shmith further reinforces the sense of refinement and elegance at the base of Ludlow’s models.

By the late 1950s, Benini’s atelier was sufficiently established to warrant his move to the city, from where the artist ran his studio until his retirement in 1990.

Bruno Benini emigrò in Australia con la famiglia nel 1935, all’età di dieci anni. A differenza degli altri artisti emigrati di cui si parla in questa sede, trascorse gli anni della sua formazione a Melbourne. Dopo una prima carriera come chimico industriale, iniziò a fotografare nel 1950, quando fu assunto nello studio di Peter Fox. Nei primi anni della sua carriera fotografica Benini lavorò anche come modello e fu spesso utilizzato da Helmut Newton e Athol Smith. La sua formazione italiana e i viaggi in Europa nei primi anni ‘50, insieme all’esperienza di lavorare per alcuni dei più sofisticati fotografi di Melbourne, hanno indubbiamente influenzato la sua fotografia.

Il lavoro di Benini è caratterizzato da una fredda eleganza e da un ‘look’ europeo che piaceva ai couturier di Collins Street, tra cui Pat Rodgers di La Petite e Hall Ludlow. Nel 1957 Benini fu incaricato da Hall Ludlow di fotografare i capi della sua collezione. In un esempio eclatante, Illustrazione di moda, modella Bambi Shmith, University of Melbourne, 1957, Benini utilizza l’elegante architettura moderna dell’Università di Melbourne come sfondo per enfatizzare la linea sottile di questo insolito abito bordato di fiocchi. Lo sguardo sdegnoso della celebre modella Bambi Shmith rafforza ulteriormente il senso di raffinatezza ed eleganza alla base dei modelli di Ludlow.

Alla fine del 1950, l’atelier di Benini era sufficientemente affermato da giustificare il suo trasferimento in città, da dove l’artista gestì il suo studio fino al suo pensionamento nel 1990.

No title (Fashion illustration. Model Bambi Shmith, University of Melbourne) 1957; (1998) {printed}
gelatin silver photograph
58.3 x 48.0 cm (image) 60.7 x 50.4 cm (sheet)
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased, 1998
© Hazel Benini

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