
Visible and invisible

Mikiko Hara

One of a series of essays featuring the answers to questions posed to artists participating in the Megacities project of NGV Triennial 2023

In this third decade of the twenty-first century, the megacity – a city with a population of more than 10 million people – may become the dominant human habitat. The NGV Triennial project Megacities is an ambitious, immersive multimedia installation bringing the creative vision of ten leading street photographers into dialogue with the urban environment. These images offer a counterpoint to the myth of the megacity, an urban agglomeration often used as the antithesis of wealthy European and North American metropolis. Here, the megacity is shown through the lens and explained in the words of those that live there.

Can you describe your daily experience living and working in one of the largest cities on the planet?



Tokyo has spread over time to its suburbs, forming a huge metropolitan area. I live in Musashi-Kosugi, Kawasaki City, just across the river to the west of Tokyo, so this is part of the huge metropolitan area. I moved from a regional city to Tokyo in the late 1980s to go to university, and since my debut as a photographer in 1996 I have been taking snapshots of the people and events I encounter in my daily life in this city. I have never formulated a theme or concept in advance, but instead relied on coincidence and have continued to confront the world that only emerges when it is photographed.

To be honest, I’ve never felt like I’m living in the biggest city on earth. It’s just a series of coincidences that have led me to live here. For this NGV project, I went out with my camera to shoot, as I always do, with no set theme in mind. I have shot in [places such as] Shibuya, Harajuku, Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, Ueno, Asakusa, Shin-Okubo, Kamata and Haneda, as well as around Musashi-Kosugi, the area where I live. Through this work, I am reminded of the difficulty of talking about ‘megacities through the lens’. This is because I feel that my daily life is the daily life of an ordinary city-dweller. I don’t have the abstract perspective to look at a ‘megacity’ from a bird’s-eye view, so I just press the shutter within my own small sphere of activity. The city may be becoming even more invisible as it grows larger and larger.

How has this contemporary urban environment shaped your practice as a photographer and artist?


Tokyo is neither my favourite city nor my least favourite city. When I was in photography school, there was a classmate who only brought photos taken in Bali to the critique class, because she liked Bali. Her teacher told her not to only look for subjects in faraway places, but to take pictures in places close at hand, where she could take pictures at any time. Eventually she stopped coming to school. This Tokyo, which I neither like nor dislike, is where my days are, and, fortunately, it continues to be a place where I can continue to take photographs. The place where I work is not a nice foreign country. I continue to take photographs while hesitant, lost and unsure. Because there must be unknown, unseen and open possibilities here too.

Our understanding of cities has benefited from the development of GPS and mobile technology – does this impact your work? Has it changed the way that you work ‘on the street’, with the ubiquitous presence of mobile technologies?




Since my debut, I have been shooting with an old film camera manufactured in the 1930s. The choice of camera also defines the style of the work, but, for me, that old camera has become familiar and an indispensable means of continuing with photography. I know it’s an anachronism, but I have never used a digital camera. GPS and mobile technology have become so pervasive that I unwittingly rely on their convenience in real life, but what has greatly influenced my photography is the changing behaviour and appearance of the subjects I encounter on the street. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a person on the street who does not have an iPhone in his or her hand. Just as commercial buildings and station areas that are repeatedly redeveloped are becoming more homogenous, with similarly designed, flat spaces, I feel that the appearance of people passing through the city is also becoming more homogenous.

Many people are distracted by their smartphones on the street and on the train, as if each person’s brain has popped out and is in their palm. Their appearance seems defenceless. Communication is done through the screens of smartphones and computers. People avoid direct contact, and COVID-19 contributed to this. In parallel with the spread of mobile technology, obscenity seems to have disappeared from the city, and the texture and cultural environment of the city has become less diverse. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable with the cleanliness and neatness of the city. You feel left behind by the times and blinded by what is being lost.

Shibuya, which is always busy, is the last stop on the Inokashira Line. Trains arrive and people stream towards the ticket gates. Girls walking behind me mumble that they don’t like Shinjuku because it is dirty. Dirty and obscene things are covered up and hidden from view. When I moved to Tokyo, there were many dirty but tasty restaurants, and various underground cultures such as theatre and film were very interesting. I felt that this was the charm of urban culture. I wonder if I will ever be able to find in today’s Tokyo the charm of a city that combines obscenity and tolerance, where people come and go.

Environmental and social problems are often cited as negative outcomes of urbanisation on the megacity scale, but counterpoints include the development of innovative ways of living and employment opportunities. Negative or positive? Can you discuss your experiences and responses to the high-density urban environment?




Musashi-Kosugi, where I live, is just across the river from Tokyo, but rapid redevelopment in the 2000s led to a forest of condominium towers and the town became sleek and clean. I live in an ordinary residential area a short distance away from the high-rise condominium district. Last year, there was an incident where the body of a newborn infant was dumped in the garbage dump of a condominium behind a beautiful new primary school in the neighbourhood. The mother who dumped the body was probably trapped and had no other choice. This tragic incident caused a stir on the internet for a while, but was soon forgotten as if it had never happened. I will forget it too. If we keep away from information we don’t want to know, our lives will be coated with the paint of ‘safety’ and ‘security’.

Before I came to Tokyo, there was definitely a longing for Tokyo somewhere in my heart. I don’t remember exactly what I was longing for anymore, but I guess I felt like I was about to encounter something unknown. While many young people still want to move to Tokyo, one of my son’s friends decided to leave the Tokyo metropolitan area when he went to university because the view from the window of his room was of towering apartment blocks. He was born in Tokyo. Cities can bring more pressure than an individual can handle, or they can become uncomfortable places.

The list of negative examples is endless. With no one knowing each other’s faces, unspoken rules increase, lest someone else be put in the wrong. Someone’s righteousness can sometimes drive someone else into a corner. Tokyo, which has become even larger, is extremely vulnerable to earthquakes and large-scale climate change, and it can be a dangerous place in the event of a natural disaster. However, I am not prepared to directly address political, social or environmental issues through photography. If there’s anything I can do, it’s to focus on the more trivial things. That would be both positive and negative at the same time. As a result, I think it may be a clue to grasping the big problem.

Are you witnessing environmental transformation in the city you are working in?


Tokyo’s urban environment is changing day by day. Some old layers have been completely overwritten by the new layers, while others are hidden in the gaps between the new layers. Recently, a photography exhibition was held in a small bookshop in Tokyo. The shop is located in a quiet residential area about fifteen minutes’ walk from the downtown area and is known to photography fans from abroad. The bookshop specialises in Western and Japanese photography books, and the owner spends his days in conversation with customers about photography. Although there may be a practical problem in that it is difficult to have a shop in the city centre for economic reasons, by avoiding the commercial district in the heart of the downtown area and setting up shop a little farther away, it seems that the shop is preventing ‘contact avoidance’ between people. This is a small example, but I think it’s one of the transformations in the urban environment.

Beyond capturing the built environment, we asked you to consider a narrative arc within your images that explores the quality of life in a megacity, the experience of moving around the city, where and how people work, and the impacts for community. With this in mind, what did your project reveal?


I would like to leave it up to the people who see the work to decide what will be revealed. I didn’t take the photographs to trace a pre-prepared narrative. I don’t even know if anything will be revealed through the photographs. The arc of the story will be drawn by each individual viewer. I hope it is you, not me, who will find something in the unclear, uncertain fragments of a photograph, or in the space between photographs. I feel that the appeal of photography lies in the possibility of capturing something that the photographer did not intend. I just happen to be there to release the shutter.

If we accept the premise that the megacity is an engine for cultural and social change, how do you see that reflected on the street?


Megacities that expand through repeated destruction and regeneration cannot be captured by statistical figures or easy-to-understand changes alone. What may be a good change for one person may be a bad change for another. The rate of change may be pleasant to some and unpleasant for others. Megacities are both visible and invisible, touchable and untouchable. Nevertheless, I am here, whether I like it or not, at the mercy of various changes. Photographs can only show what is visible, but sometimes they imply something that cannot be seen. I look through the camera for traces of feeling, in each person’s body, in each thing, somewhere on the street.

MIKIKO HARA | Tokyo, Japan.