Installation view of <em>Pierre Bonnard: Designed by India Mahdavi</em> on display at NGV International, Melbourne. Photo: Lillie Thompson<br/>




Pierre Bonnard

Designed by India Mahdavi

NGV International

Ground Level

9 Jun 23 – 7 Oct 23

NGV International

Ground Level

Until 8 Oct 2023

Pierre Bonnard is one of the most beloved painters of the twentieth century, celebrated for his use of colour to convey an exquisite sense of emotion. His close friend Henri Matisse declared that Bonnard was ‘a great painter, for today and definitely also for the future’. Opening in June 2023, the blockbuster Melbourne Winter Masterpieces® exhibition Pierre Bonnard presents the iridescent paintings of Bonnard within immersive scenography by Paris-based designer India Mahdavi.

皮埃尔·博纳尔(Pierre Bonnard)是20世纪最受喜爱的画家之一,他以使用色彩来传达细腻的情感而闻名。他的密友亨利·马蒂斯(Henri Matisse)称博纳尔是“一位伟大的画家,无论对现今还是对未来都是如此”。2023年6月隆重开幕的墨尔本冬季大师杰作展(Melbourne Winter Masterpieces® )将在巴黎设计师英迪娅·马赫达维(India Mahdavi)的沉浸式布景中呈现博纳尔色彩斑斓的画作。

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Pierre Bonnard皮埃尔·博纳尔

Pierre Bonnard (1867–1947) is celebrated as one of the great painters of the twentieth century. Emerging as an artist in Paris in the 1890s among a lively group of intellectuals and artists, Bonnard’s early reputation was based on shrewdly observant illustrations and decorative paintings. In the twentieth century, Bonnard pursued painting as it suited his singular vision and in response to personal circumstance, including his move to the countryside with his lifelong companion, Marthe de Méligny. Together, they lived in Normandy and later in the south of France.皮埃尔·博纳尔(1867-1947)被誉为20世纪最伟大的画家之一。19世纪90年代,波纳尔在巴黎一群活跃的知识分子和艺术家中崭露头角,成为一名艺术家,他早期以观察敏锐的插图和装饰画著称。20世纪,博纳尔根据自己独特的视角和个人境况的改变进行绘画创作,这些变化包括他与终身伴侣玛尔特·德·梅利尼搬到乡村。夫妻俩一起居住在诺曼底,后又搬到法国南部。

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Certainly colour had carried me away. I sacrificed form to it almost unconsciously.

– Pierre Bonnard, 1913

India Mahdavi英迪娅·马赫达维

India Mahdavi (b. 1962) is a French architect widely celebrated for her use of colour, form and texture. Combining these foundational elements of design, she has created immersive environments in restaurants, hotels, retail interiors, art galleries and private homes around the globe. 英迪娅·马赫达维(生于1962年)是一位法国建筑师和设计师,以其对色彩、形式和质感的运用而广受赞誉。结合这些基本的设计元素,她在全球各地的餐厅、酒店、零售店内、艺术画廊和私人住宅中创造了沉浸式环境。

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Bonnard invites you into his home, and so, there is something very intimate about his work […] You really feel that you are in the room, looking at his dining table, looking out the window with him.
博纳尔邀请你进入他的家,因此,他的作品中有一种非常亲密的东西[……] 你真的会觉得自己在房间里,看着他的餐桌,和他一起望向窗外。

– India Mahdavi

Exhibition introduction

Learn about the legacy of Bonnard, and how Mahdavi has taken her contemporary design lens to reimagine the display of his works for our unique exhibition.

Annie Smithers安妮·史密瑟斯

9 Jun–8 Oct
Open daily 11.30am–4pm
Friday Nights 6pm–late


Annie Smithers, one of Australia’s most highly regarded chefs, will collaborate with the NGV Garden Restaurant on a French farmhouse menu this winter inspired by Smithers’ award-winning restaurant du Fermier and coinciding with the Pierre Bonnard: Designed by India Mahdavi exhibition.
安妮·史密瑟斯(Annie Smithers)是澳大利亚享有盛誉的主厨之一,今年冬天,她将与NGV花园餐厅合作推出法国乡村菜单,灵感来自史密瑟斯的获奖餐厅du Fermier,与《皮埃尔·博纳尔:英迪娅·马赫达维设计》特展相呼应。

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Friday Nights周五之夜

NGV Friday Nights are back for Pierre Bonnard: Designed by India Mahdavi. Explore the exhibition after hours with exclusive access, music by local DJs, dining, bars and more. NGV周五之夜为《皮埃尔·博纳尔:英迪娅·马赫达维设计》特展回归。在下班后,您可以通过专场参观、现场DJ音乐、餐饮、酒吧等方式探索展览。

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Book a Friday Nights package 预订周五之夜套餐

Package includes Friday Night ticket and dinner at the Garden Restaurant by Annie Smithers.套餐包括周五之夜的门票和安妮·史密瑟斯花园餐厅的晚餐。

NGV High Tea

NGV’s Tea Room, located on Level 1, offers a modern interpretation of a timeless tradition featuring a selection of cakes and savouries, all handmade by a team of pastry chefs. A High Tea booking includes a selection of finger sandwiches, savoury and sweet items, one scone with jam and cream and choice of tea or coffee (hot chocolate or juice for children). There is no exhibition ticket included in this package.

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NGV gratefully thanks Premium Partner HSBC for their generous support. HSBC customers enjoy exclusive discounts on tickets, membership and more. Find out more 我们非常感谢高级合作伙伴汇丰银行的大力支持。汇丰银行的客户在购票、会籍等方面均享有独家折扣。 了解详情

NGV is committed to making a positive impact with thanks to our Sustainability Partner, ACCIONA. Find out more about NGV’s sustainability initiatives NGV致力于创造积极影响,我们感谢可持续发展合作伙伴ACCIONA。 了解NGV可持续发展计划的详情