Jakayu Biljabu<br />
 Yikartu Bumba<br />
 May Chapman<br />
 Nyanjilpayi Nancy Chapman<br />
 Doreen Chapman<br />
 Linda James<br />
 Donna Loxton<br />
 Mulyatingki Marney<br />
 Reena Rogers<br />
 Beatrice Simpson<br />
 Ronelle Simpson<br />
 Muntararr Rosie Williams<br/>
<em>Ngayarta Kujarra</em> 2009 <!-- (recto) --><br />

synthetic polymer paint on canvas<br />
300.6 x 500.3 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 2011<br />
2011.276<br />
© the artists, courtesy Martumili Artists, Newman

Indigenous Art from the NGV Collection

Free entry

The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Fed Square

Ground Level

15 Apr 22 – 29 Jan 23

Indigenous art exists as part of a continuum where old meets new, where materialities clash, and perspectives collide. Since long before the invention of the written word, First Nations people have passed down important cultural knowledge through a combination of art, song, dance and story. The works here offer a series of visual dialogues, in order to explore how parallel innovations and continuities can continue to inspire new ways of thinking about art.

The extraordinary longevity and accuracy of First Nations oral and artistic traditions can be credited to the ways in which transgenerational communication has been managed. Stories are often rooted in visual iconographies that are simultaneously passed both up and down the family tree, ensuring they remain consistent even with countless retellings taking place over millennia. In the words of Yamatji scholar Dr Stephen Gilchrist, ‘the past is not inaccessible to Indigenous people’, but forms part of a cyclical order that relies on encounters between ancestral and present worlds.

Each of the artists presented has produced works that both build on, and challenge tradition. These visual juxtapositions reveal overlapping themes and shared tendencies as much they do differences, encouraging audiences to consider the relationship between works in the Collection, both past and present. Familiar masterpieces sit alongside inquisitive works and exciting new acquisitions, positioning the NGV Collection as one of immense possibility.

