Michael Candy, Pia Van Gelder and Andreas Siagian<br/>
<em>MOS</em> (<em>Mountain Operated Synthesizer</em>) 2013<br/>
electronics, flags, bamboo, cotton, solar unit, earth terminal, tilt sensors, moisture sensors, speakers<br/>

The Instrument Builders Project

Collaborations in Sound by Indonesian and Australian Artists

Free entry

The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Fed Square

Ground Level, NGV Studio

1 Nov 14 – 23 Nov 14

NGV Studio hosts the first Australian iteration of The Instrument Builders Project (IBP), an experimental collaborative project between Australian and Indonesian artists and musicians curated by Kristi Monfries and Joel Stern.

The first two iterations of the IBP were held in Yogyakarta in June 2013 and March 2014. The IBP sets up a shared workshop space, with elements of studio and gallery, in which artists conceptualise, build, perform and exhibit new works together over a period of 3 weeks, with scheduled public programs (concerts, exhibitions, workshops and talks) punctuating periods of experimental ‘free time’.

The works created through the IBP draw on both traditional craft-based and avant-garde approaches and technologies, incorporating practises including (but not limited to) experimental music, sound sculpture, installation, conceptual and instructional work and performance art.

The IBP both responds to and seeks to further develop experimental collaborative work between Indonesian and Australian artists.

Studio residency artists
Michael Candy, Dale Gorfinkel, Lintang Radittya, Andreas Siagian, Wukir Suryadi, Pia Van Gelder, Tintin Wulia

Exhibiting artists
Peter Blamey, Mas Wibowo, Michael Candy, Caitlin Franzmann, Dale Gorfinkel, Jompet Kuswidananto, Dylan Martorell, Andreas Siagian, Wukir Suryadi, Tintin Wulia, Asep Nata

The Instrument Builders Project is supported by Asialink Arts and Arts Victoria.

Exhibition labels

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