Kunmanara (Wawiriya) Burton<br/>
<em>Ngayakuk ngura – My Country</em> 2019 <!-- (recto) --><br />

ink on paper<br />
(a-i) 76.0 x 56.0 cm (each)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased with funds donated by D’Lan Davidson and Rachal Jacobs, 2020<br />
2020.4.a-i<br />
© Wawiriya Burton/ Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia

The Stars We Do Not See

Australian Indigenous Art

NGV Touring

National Gallery of Art, Washington
18 Oct 2025 – 1 Mar 2026

Denver Art Museum, Colorado
19 Apr – 26 Jul 2026

Portland Art Museum, Oregon
Sep 2026 – Jan 2027

Peabody Essex Museum, Massachusetts
Feb – Jun 2027

Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
Jul 2027 – Jan 2028

The Stars We Do Not See: Australian Indigenous Art is organized by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne and the National Gallery of Art, Washington in association with the Denver Art Museum, the Portland Art Museum, the Peabody Essex Museum and the Royal Ontario Museum, and will be on display at the above venues across the United States and Canada.

The Stars We Do Not See: Australian Indigenous Art is the largest exhibition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art ever presented internationally. Through a rich display of iconic masterpieces, curated especially for North American audiences, the exhibition charts watershed moments in Indigenous art, revealing a rich history of creativity that pre-dates the arrival of Europeans.

Featuring the undisputed masterpieces from the NGV Collection, the exhibition features over 200 works by more than 130 artists, including many that have never-before left the country. The Stars We Do Not See introduces audiences to customary forms and styles, such as the conceptual map paintings of the Central and Western deserts (sometimes colloquially referred to as ‘dot paintings’), ochre bark paintings, cultural objects and ambitious experimental weavings. The exhibition also explores the work of new media artists who simultaneously challenge and build upon tradition with groundbreaking works in neon, video, sound, photography and much more.

Highlighting the diverse and distinct visual iconographies of Indigenous Australia – which is made up of more than 250 distinct Indigenous nations – the works span the entire Australian continent, including the Tiwi Islands, Arnhem Land, Far North Queensland, the Torres Strait, the Central Desert, the Kimberley and beyond.

Following its global premiere on 18 October 2025 at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, The Stars We Do Not See will tour to venues in North America, including Denver Art Museum, Colorado; Portland Art Museum, Oregon; Peabody Essex Museum, Massachusetts; and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada.

Exhibition overview

Select Works

Sexy and dangerous 1996; 2005 {printed}
computer-generated colour transparency on transparent synthetic polymer resin
145.9 x 96.0 cm (image and sheet)
artist's proof 1/2
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased with funds from the Victorian Foundation for Living Australian Artists, 2005
© Brook Andrew/Copyright Agency, 2023
Wingu Tingima
Minyma Tjuta (Seven Sisters) 2006
synthetic polymer paint on canvas
138.0 x 205.0 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased with funds donated by Supporters and Patrons of Indigenous Art, 2006
©Wingu Tingima/Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia
Birmuyingathi Maali Netta Loogatha
Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori
Warthadangathi Bijarrba Ethel Thomas
Thunduyingathi Bijarrb May Moodoonuthi
Kuruwarriyingathi Bijarrb Paula Paul
Wirrngajingathi Bijarrb Kurdalalngk Dawn Naranatjil
Rayarriwarrtharrbayingathi Mingungurra Amy Loogatha
Dulka Warngiid 2007
synthetic polymer paint on canvas
195.0 x 610.0 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased with funds donated by Catherine Allen, Carolyn Berger and Delma Valmorbida, 2007
© The Estate of Sally Gabori/Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia
Emily Kam Kngwarray
Anwerlarr anganenty (Big yam Dreaming) 1995
synthetic polymer paint on canvas
291.1 x 801.8 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Presented through The Art Foundation of Victoria by Donald and Janet Holt and family, Governors, 1995
© Emily Kam Kngwarray/Licensed by Copyright Agency, Australia
Jakayu Biljabu
Yikartu Bumba
May Chapman
Nyanjilpayi Nancy Chapman
Doreen Chapman
Linda James
Donna Loxton
Mulyatingki Marney
Reena Rogers
Beatrice Simpson
Ronelle Simpson
Muntararr Rosie Williams
Ngayarta Kujarra 2009
synthetic polymer paint on canvas
300.6 x 500.3 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Felton Bequest, 2011
© the artists, courtesy Martumili Artists, Newman
Alec Mingelmanganu
Wanjina 1980
earth pigments and natural binder on canvas
128.1 x 91.4 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased from Admission Funds, 1990
© The Artist/Licensed by Aboriginal Artists Agency Limited
Timothy Cook
Kulama 2012
earth pigments on canvas
150.0 x 219.7 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Robert Martin Bequest and NGV Supporters of Indigenous Art, 2019
© Timothy Cook/Copyright Agency, Australia
Mick Wallangkarri Tjakamarra
Old man's Dreaming on death or destiny 1972
synthetic polymer paint on composition board
60.9 x 45.7 cm
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Purchased through The Art Foundation of Victoria with the assistance of North Broken Hill Ltd, Fellow, 1987
© The Estate of Mick Wallangkarri Tjakamarra, licensed by Aboriginal Artists Agency Limited and Copyright Agency, Australia
Ms N. Yunupiŋu
Gäna (Self) 2009-2018
earth pigments on Stringybark (Eucalyptus sp.)
296.0 x 683.6 x 188.0 cm (variable) (installation)
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Mary and Lou Senini Bequest, 2018
© Estate of Ms N. Yunupiŋu, courtesy of Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka Centre, Yirrkala