William BLAKE<br/>
<em>Dante running from the Three Beasts</em> (1824-1827) <!-- (recto) --><br />
illustration for <i>The Divine Comedy</i> by Dante Alighieri (<i>Inferno</i> I, 1-90)<br />
pen and ink and watercolour over pencil and black chalk<br />
37.3 x 52.8 cm (image and sheet)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Felton Bequest, 1920<br />
988-3<br />


Tyger of Wrath

William Blake in the National Gallery of Victoria

Free entry

NGV International

Robert Raynor Gallery, Level G

28 Apr 99 – 30 Jun 99

The National Gallery of Victoria houses one of the world’s most important collections of art by William Blake (1757-1827), the English artist, poet and mystic. This exhibition incorporates all aspects of the collection, including the Dante and Milton watercolours, the hand-coloured relief prints from the prophetic books, the Virgil wood-engravings, the engraved Illustrations of the Book of Job and the volume of hand coloured engravings of Young’s Nights Thoughts. Also included is the NGV’s beautiful, early edition of the Songs of Innocence, as well as works acquired since the 1989 publication of the Gallery’s complete Blake holdings.

Examining William Blake’s watercolours