
AI-Sawaber complex

BY Tarek Al Ghoussein

THEME LEADER Meitha Al Mazrooei

SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.

Tarek Al-Ghoussein’s work explores the boundaries between landscape photography, self-portraiture and performance art. Al-Ghoussein chooses his locations in much the same way a film director does, moving between abstraction and the specific circumstances found in particular places. Al-Ghoussein’s current project documents the vestiges of the lives of former tenants of the Al-Sawaber, a government housing complex in Kuwait City now slated for demolition. His photographs provide intimate views into once private worlds through portrayals of apartment interiors and objects, which tell stories without longing for what once was or lamenting what could have been.

All images: Tarek Al-Ghoussein, Al-Sawaber complex, Kuwait Ciy, Kuwait, 2016

Tarek Al-Ghoussein is an artist and Professor of Visual Art at NYU Abu Dhabi. A primary focus of his studio teaching is developing
a strong formal awareness among students and facilitating the ability to manifest ideas in visual form.