
What compels us towards things that move?

BY Laura Woodward

THEME LEADER Jane Davidson

SUPPORTED BY University of Melbourne, as part of the NGV Triennial – exploring the emerging intersections of art, design, science and society.

Laura Woodward focuses her research on the potential of system-based kinetic installations. These systems, often powered by water, develop through the relationships between materials, movement, time and the artists’ hands, with the system’s inherent logic driving its formal and systematic emergences. The works tease out considerations of agency within systems, and the empathic responses that may ensue when encountering these moving entities. For Triennial Voices, Laura Woodward has created a new video piece with text on screen titled What Compels Us towards things that move?

  • Podcast: Timothy Moore interviews Laura Woodward
Laura Woodward is an award-winning kinetic sculptor who works as a Lecturer in Art at the VCA, University of Melbourne.
Timothy Moore is director of architecture practice Sibling.