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04 May 1902 Corowa, New South Wales
01 August 1993

64 works

Banksias Helen OGILVIE Galvanised iron hut, Benalla district Helen OGILVIE The garden Helen OGILVIE Harry Waters and Spanking Bill Helen OGILVIE The visitors Helen OGILVIE (Four figures seated at a table listening to a phonograph through earpieces) Helen OGILVIE (Warehouse interior with cases of Bombay Duck, and barrels and assorted bottles arranged in shelves) Helen OGILVIE (Steam train at railway station with waiting crowd on platform) Helen OGILVIE (Hat and umbrella) Helen OGILVIE (Letter copying press) Helen OGILVIE (Seated couple conversing in a tent at a race meeting) Helen OGILVIE (Building and symbols representing the Fine Arts) Helen OGILVIE (Eagle rising from flames of burning building) Helen OGILVIE Chooks in the straw Helen OGILVIE Rupert the fearless Helen OGILVIE (Row of sleeping professors, with attendant figures) Helen OGILVIE (Royal open carriage with two passengers and liveried attendants) Helen OGILVIE (Two passengers in a horse drawn cab at night) Helen OGILVIE (City laneway with ox drawn loaded cart) Helen OGILVIE (Mantelpiece) Helen OGILVIE (Man shooting at rabbits) Helen OGILVIE (Light fitting) Helen OGILVIE The garden Helen OGILVIE (Men departing conference table) Helen OGILVIE (Interior of Board Room) Helen OGILVIE Eucalypt Helen OGILVIE Tallangatta Hotel Helen OGILVIE (Man dumping leaves from a cart into a stall at a eucalyptus oil distillery) Helen OGILVIE (Two passengers in an open horse drawn carriage travelling along country road) Helen OGILVIE (Oak and eucalyptus leaves) Helen OGILVIE
3 pages123