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1920 Geelong, Victoria
08 September 1980

412 works

You Yangs Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: children playing chess Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: children playing chess Laurie WILSON You Yangs Laurie WILSON Price of life Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: looking into activities rooms Laurie WILSON You Yangs Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: two young children in the Centre's bus Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: two young children in the Centre's bus Laurie WILSON You Yangs Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: two children playing with pencils Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: two children playing with pencils Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: standing by open lockers in corridor Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: two young children at therapy Laurie WILSON Shannon Spastic Centre: two young children at theraphy Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: two young children at therapy Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: young child in support chair Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: three children in a corridor Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: Young child, helper and wheelchair in corridor Laurie WILSON Shannon Park Spastic Centre: Young child, helper and wheelchair in corridor Laurie WILSON No title (Old farm, tree and horse against distant hills) Laurie WILSON No title (Dark valley with single farm) Laurie WILSON No title (Ocean scene with dark rocks foreground) Laurie WILSON Anakie Laurie WILSON No title (Old fence and lighthouse) Laurie WILSON Anakie Laurie WILSON She-oaks Laurie WILSON Study of bride's legs on 'mock-up' for calendar, 1958 Laurie WILSON Pt. Roadknight Laurie WILSON You Yangs Laurie WILSON